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"Good morning, Leah!" Daniel said as soon as he saw me going down. He had a wide smile on his face as he was wearing a cooking apron and preparing breakfast for me.

"Good morning, love!" I said walking to him. I was ready to go to school. Daniel woke me up around forty five minutes ago and told me to get ready. He assured me that he had woken me earlier than usual which helped me take my sweet time.

I kissed his cheek and sat down. I watched him cutting some cucumbers and then gave me a plate. It had Spanish Omelet on it. I had a wide smile on my lips and started eating. He looked at me waiting for what I have to say about it.

I smiled at him sweetly and said, "It's pretty good, Daniel. Why didn't you tell me that you were talented?!"

He smiled and then started eating. Daniel was wearing some black sweet pants and a white shirt. He was still not going to school because of what happened. I could tell that he wasn't happy with me going also but he didn't comment. He had a frown on his lips the entire time making me think twice before going.

That was when I remembered that I will get killed by Hannah for leaving her and for the whole party thing. I face palmed and then said, "I will ask, Hannah about the party. You're coming, right?!"

He tensed as soon as I said that. He then sighed looking at me while thinking. He made it look like he wasn't sure. I sighed and then he nodded. I smiled and then said," Thank you, baby!"

I hugged him and he hugged me back. He was tensed I could tell. He wasn't glad. I could also tell. He was worried.

"Okay! I have to go," I said and finished eating.

"See you!" he said and I smiled waving.

"Take care!" I said and went to the bus. I sat down trying to ignore the glances that everyone shot me. I sighed remembering the last time I was here.

Time passed and I was at school waiting for Hannah. She soon came pretty mad at me. I sighed knowing why. I left her alone at school.

She walked passing me. I sighed and started following her apologizing. She kept walking ignoring me so I decided that I had to say something to grab her attention.

"I am coming to the party, so we both have to go shopping. Tyler invited you, so you can't say no and I am not leaving you. I am sorry for leaving you here, yesterday. Please, forgive me! It's just Daniel almost left again and I could not think straight," I kept saying while jogging trying to keep her pace. I looked like a total idiot but who cared.

"What?!" she said turning to look at me. I calmed down trying to catch my breath.

"Yeah! I had a text yesterday that he would be leaving, and I had to talk action. Anyway, I am sorry, what happened with you yesterday?! Did Tyler talk to you again?!" I asked.

"I made a fool of myself again. I told him that I won't be coming because I thought that you won't," she said and I face palmed.

"What?! I wasn't going to be alone. I thought that you didn't come yesterday because you were ashamed. I am sorry," she apologized.

"It's okay. Now we have to find Tyler. He has to know that you will be coming," I said excitedly. My baby girl maybe having a chance to finally have a boyfriend and I am not blowing it away.

"Yes!" as soon as she said that the bell rang. We both face palmed and went to class.

"I really hope, he will be there! I really wish he comes to this class!" Hannah kept praying our whole way to class. I couldn't help but laugh at how silly she looked.

We made it there and what we found was pretty cool. Tyler was actually there talking to one of his friends. I wasn't the type to snatch, so I didn't know who that was.

"It's your chance, Hannah! Don't miss it up!" I encouraged. She pulled on an excited face and then took a step. He looked at her, and that made her take a u-turn and look back at me.

I giggled and then moved my mouth saying, "Go! It's your chance!"

She nodded and then turned again. She walked to him and only then I realized how short Hannah was. She was almost a feet shorter than Tyler. She was blushing which made her look cute. She tapped on his shoulder and he looked down at her telling the guy he was talking to to go away.

Hannah was moving her lips, but I couldn't hear what she was saying. I moved closer still keeping a distance though.

"I-I h-have talked to Leah, and w-we a-are both coming. S-sorry for s-saying otherwise," she said blushing.

Tyler let out a chuckle and then nodded. He said, "It's cool! Can't wait to see you and Leah there."

"T-thank you," she said blushing harder. He smiled and then she left coming back to me. She was blushing and breathing hard. I couldn't help but chuckle.

"Calm down! You only talked," I said laughing.

"Yeah, yeah! You have to see yourself while talking to Daniel," I blushed as she mentioned him.

"See! This proves my point!" she said and I laughed nervously and awkwardly.

"Anyway, we have to go shopping and buy some dresses. I don't think I have something to fit a party," I stated.

"Yep, and we have to make you look extra good for Daniel," she teased.

"And make you look multi extra good for your beloved," I teased back. We both giggled at our silky behavior.

"Places! Everyone, places!" the teacher said as she entered. I smiled and looked around looking for an empty seat. I noticed that there was only three. Two next to each others and one next to Tyler. I smirked and sat on one of the seats which were next to each other and placed my bag on the other.

"Hannah! Are you having a hard time understanding? Pick an empty seat and sit there," the teacher yelled. Hannah glared at me and walked to the seat next to Tyler, I was laughing so hard mentally at her.

"I'm sorry, but Leah doesn't want me to sit next to her," Hannah said as soon as she was next to Tyler.

Tyler looked at me and winked. He understood what I was doing. I looked in front of me. He nodded and allowed Hannah to sit next to him.

I smiled thinking about my ship which was finally sailing. I smiled innocently counting my score. Leah, one! Anyone against the ship, zero!

Everyone now and then I could feel Hannah shooting me and killing me in her mind. But that soon ended when Tyler opened a conversation with her. I was pretty glad until the door opened.

A strange looking guy came in. He had black hair, and white pale skin which perfectly contrasted his hair color. I sighed and then waited for the teacher to either let him in or send him out.

"Come in, you are the new student, right?!" the teacher asked.

He nodded with a smile which showed his bright sharp white. The teacher nodded and then said, "Come in! You can sit next to Miss. Forester!"

I looked at Hannah, who looked at me weirdly. I haven't heard of a new student. The guy walked to the chair and asked me to remove my bag. I nodded and removed it still surprised.

"I'm Paul," he said. I nodded and then said, "Leah!"

He put his hands out for me to shake. I did and felt a strange wave of electricity. I smiled trying to be as good as I could be. I didn't want to be mean.

He smirked and kissed my hands making a blush surface my face. I didn't know what was going on but I knew that Daniel would never be glad.

"Hello, Leah! It's nice to finally meet you," he said in a British accent and I looked at him confused understanding nothing from what was going on.


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