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The day went on and to say I was amazed would be an understatement. He went all out. He got me everything a person can ever think of. Air pods, clothes, accessories, gold and more. It all felt like he was in money heist just to bring me all that which by the way felt creepy thinking of.

I was really happy that day with my mate, friends and family. They all made me happy. They were all there for me playing and all that I eventually forgot what would happen. As the clock struck eleven, I felt heat all over my body. I looked at the time and realized what it was. I looked at Daniel. My eyes were shinning in fear and terror. I had no idea what was happening or was about to happen.

Daniel came to my side warping his arms around me as the volume of laughter went down and everyone looked at me wishing for the best. Daniel pulled me to his lap keeping my close and his touch soothed the heat in my body.

"take her out," Mom said and he looked at her with a questioning look.

"she has to shift under the moonlight. Unless you want her to suffer that every month," she said and Daniel's eyes widened and he nodded taking me outside to the swing couch.

"now everyone stay here, the shift of a witch as she gains her true potential can't be seen by others, especially a golden one," said mom and I could see that even she didn't like it.

As the moon light fell on my body, things got way more intense as I felt it heating more and melting. I held into Daniel tighter as I felt my skin burning that some smoke was coming out of me. I felt like a vampire going into the midday sun as a scream was about to break free from my mouth in pain. I couldn't focus on anything but I knew he was slowly trying to comfort me as i felt his rough hand and heard a whisper that I knew too well. Daniel, the love of my life.

I tried to assure him that I was fine but as I opened my mouth a loud scream broke free out. He flinched probably because of the pain I was in that he started feeling through the bond. He tried to speak to me over and over again and try to calm me down but all his trials ended up failing. I was helpless. I couldn't recognize a word he said... Until.

'Baby? Can you hear me?' I heard his voice in my head and that was when my mind was taken over by his voice that could calm me anywhere, anytime. His voice that melted my heart and silenced the war in my head.

An illusional image of him showed up in my head and another showed up of me. I had no idea what was happening but somehow it did wonders to me.

'I hear you,' I finally remembered to reply and he gave me a soft assuring smile. 'I am here for you, princess. I will always be there for you. The pain will end like dark nights. Think of it, does rain and storm stop the sun from shinning?'

I shook my head and he smiled at that. 'There is a storm but it will pass like every other storm. No matter how bad it is. You're the sun, baby girl. You got this.'

He was holding me close which slowly easier the pain. It slowly comforted me. It made me believe that I got this. My skin was burning and itchy, but his body was the sweet ice cream on a hot day.

'se óli tin kalosýni mésa sas, sikotheíte kai lámpste, statheíte sto édafos sas. deíxe to chróma sou. deíxe tin axía sou,' I heard the words echoing and my eyes widened as I felt a full blow of pain come over me.

A scream escaped my lips and even Daniel felt pain within. His wolf and him could no longer stay in my head from the intensity of the pain. I screamed loudly.

I felt something big engulf me and everything turned black. I felt like my eyes were open but I couldn't see or feel anything. It felt like I was in a whole other parallel world with the previous words repeating over and over again.

"se óli tin kalosýni mésa sas, sikotheíte kai lámpste, statheíte sto édafos sas. deíxe to chróma sou. deíxe tin axía sou," it repeated and I was slowly figuring the sound. It was that of a female. It felt familiar somehow but still foreign. I felt like I heard it before but at the same time, I couldn't pin point as it sounded too angelic to be true.

The pain was decreasing as the voice lullbied me into some rest and relaxation from the never ending pain.

"Leah Forrester," the voice called for me before a female figure showed up. "You have made it far and now it's time to take it upon yourself to reserve the long lost balance." She said and then images of battles showed up. Battles between werewolves and vampires.

"You're mated to a werewolf, an alpha king, Daniel Thompson, and a vampire, Paul Killer," she said. "it's your own choice. You have the ability to stop the war."

"But, how?" I asked. "How am I mated to two? How am I supposed to stop the war?" I asked.

"That's a long story, Leah," she said and then different images showed up. "Vampires and werewolves are mated to us by powers." she said and then the image of the battle where the gold witches died showed up but instead, it was a girl, a little girl who was showing.

"This is Kayla," she explained. "She was the daughter of the second princess, and to put it simply, she is your cousin. She was the one mated to the vampire. Her powers are the one calling to his." She said and then I watched as she was brutally killed and I couldn't help but look away but as I did, the image showed the other side.

"Don't look away, Leah, it's you," she said. The image shifted to me at the age of sixteen. I was walking by the trees and then I touched that tree. I remember that day but it was really faint. My eyes widened as I saw a golden ray passing through me from the tree. "and that's her powers. You own both, hers and yours."

"No, give it back to her, she didn't deserve to die," I said shaking my head.

"She is not," The lady replied as she came closer to me. "She physically is, but her powers and soul are alive. That's where you're mission comes. Bring her to life. Stop the war. Bring peace to the world."

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