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" Calm down, Daniel! It's okay! Let him go! He did nothing to deserve all of this, " I defended while tears were falling from my eyes.

Never have I ever seen Daniel like that before. He got mad before, but he never reached this much. I was a sobbing mess and his shirt had water in it.

" Daniel! Please!" He stopped and then let the teacher fall on the ground. I let go of him, and he turned around.

I looked into his eyes and they were back to their normal color. I sighed and hugged him. I was quite scared. He hugged me back assuring me that everything will be fine. He tapped my back allowing me to cry. I didn't want to think that Daniel was a monster but what just happened made it quite hard.

" I'm sorry, Leah!" Daniel whispered to me. He placed his head in the crotch of my neck. My face was hiding in his chest from the terrible truth.

" Are you okay?!" Daniel asked and I sobbed in reply.

" I'm really sorry, it is just I couldn't take it. No one should yell at you or talk to you in a bad way," he said and I nodded in understanding.

I didn't really understand but I just nodded. I smiled a little trying to hide my emotions and then pulled back and said " It's okay!"

He took my face in his hands, and dried my tears that fell on my cheeks. He kissed me and then said " I love you, Leah! It was never my intentions to scare you or to do that, it is just I lost control."

I nodded holding back my tears. I sighed and then kissed his cheek. I was kinda scared still. I was just glad he was okay, and that the teacher was okay. However, I knew that Daniel would be in a really big problem...

" Here!" called a student.

I looked at the voice and so did Daniel. I was standing in front of him. The principal was walking our way. It seemed that Rachel has already told him. Rachel was exactly like the bird that couldn't keep a bean in its mouth.

" Mr. Thompson, that was totally unacceptable. I need you in my office right now," the principal said and I groaned.

" Yes!" Daniel replied.

The principal left, and I hugged Daniel and kissed his lips. I pulled back soon after with an encouraging smile.

" Look! It's okay! I know that you didn't mean it, and you're forgiven. Now go!" I said and he kissed my forehead and left.

" Everyone to their classes!"

Everyone started leaving, but I didn't. I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around and found Hannah. She hugged me with an encouraging smile.

" It's okay! It was just an accident. I am sure Daniel will explain everything to you, when the right time comes. You should just know that he will never hurt you. He loves you dearly and I can tell," Hannah whispered and that made me smile.

I knew that he wouldn't hurt me, but I was pretty stressed which made me think that he would. But who was I kidding?! Daniel will never hurt me! He was just protecting me.

' " Take care while driving. My life is between your hands." I said from outside.

" I will protect you with my life, so don't be scared." Daniel said making me smile.

" Dan, I love you." I shouted for everyone to hear.

" I love you too, sweetheart." he said making me smile.' When that crossed my mind, I felt really stupid for doubting him.

' Apologize to Daniel later,' I thought smiling.

" Thank you, Hannah!" I said smiling and this time I was hiding nothing.

That hug helped me a lot. I needed a one badly. I sighed and then went to my class. I sat at the very back with Hannah beside me. Our teacher, Mr. Knight wasn't there because he fainted so the lesson was free. We kept talking and that was when I remembered what Hannah said this morning.

" Hannah, you said that you talked to Tyler, how did it go?" as soon as his name let my mouth she blushed a deep shade of red.

" I-I...."

" Come on!" I teased and she nodded.

" Yesterday, I was walking alone because someone skipped and left me alone. I was sitting alone at lunch so he came and asked me if he could take a seat. Of course, I blushed and made foul of myself... I said yes and then no and then yes, and then I said whatever," I chuckled.

" He rolled his eyes and sat down. I blushed and mentally yelled at myself for doing that and I thought that he now thinks of me as a weirdo. We sat silently and then he asked if I was going to the party, and I said no, and then he said that I should and that it would be fun. After that, I made foul of myself again, and kept saying that I would love to but I didn't have a suitable dress, and all.

After that, he chuckled and said that he could take me shopping, and I was like ' No! You can't!'. He gave me another weird look and then I corrected myself and said ' No, I mean, I should be going to my friend's house on Friday'. He asked if that friend was you, and I nodded and now we are both invited to the party," she said. By the end, I was jaw dropped.

I couldn't say anything, this was all so weird. Going to a party held and hosted by the one and only Tyler Jackson wasn't on my to-do list. Daniel would kill me.

" I won't go!" I decided.

" Why?!" she asked.

" 'Cause I wanna stay alive!" I replied in a 'duh' tone.

" Please! I can't go alone," She begged.

She gave me the cute puppy eyes and I rolled my eyes. I hated it when she gave me that. I couldn't just say no.

" Look! I'll ask Daniel!" I stated.

" I can't believe that he has this much control over you. I'm your best friend, the one who stayed with you even when he left," she said pouting.

" I know, Hanah! I know!" I said and she shock her head a no.

" No, the way you act say otherwise! I need you more than ever, and you simply say that you will ask Daniel. Seriously?!" She yelled.

" Fine, I'll go!" I said, but I knew that I will regret it....

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