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"I am sorry, but do you know me?!" I asked nervously and awkwardly. I have never been in such a situation before.

"Yes, I believe I do, mate!" He said.

"Stop talking and listen here," the teacher said. I swallowed heavily knowing nothing about what he was talking about. That word was taking over my life which wasn't really good for me. I was nervous because of the guy next to me and I felt a strong need to talk to Daniel. I was kind of scared and only he could make me feel like everything is and will be okay.

"Excuse me! Can I go to the bathroom?!" I asked raising my hand.

"Yes, you can! Be back quickly!" She said and I nodded with a forced smile.

I ran to the bathroom with my phone in my pocket. I closed the door and texted Daniel.

Me: 'Daniel! I am scared. Can you please text me?!'

I counted to ten trying to calm down and waiting for his text. A seen was written under my message and I instantly relaxed a bit. Instead of replying by a message, Daniel decided to call.

I replied quickly trying to get myself together. I sighed and then answered saying, "Daniel?!"

"Are you okay?! What happened, Leah?! Are you hurt?!" Daniel asked nervously, or at least his voice made it sound this way.

"I am okay. I am scared, Daniel. A new guy came to our school and he acts like he knows me. I don't know who he is or what he wants. He called me mate. He makes me scared, Daniel! He is also sitting next to me in class," I said.

"Calm down! Now are you sure that he called you mate?!" he asked in a dangerous tone.

"Yes, do you know what that means?!" I asked nervously.

"Stay away from that guy, Leah! Or you know what, come home now! He isn't good news," he stated. His voice holding fear.

"I can't, Daniel! I am in the bathroom right now, but I do have classes. I can't skip because I will be thrown outside class. Help me!" I said crying.

"Okay! Stay where you are! I am coming to you right now. I will make up something. Don't worry, babe! I have got you," he whispered trying to control his tone to be assuring.

"Okay! Please, don't be late!" I whined.

"On my way," he assured.

I stayed where I was until I heard some bounding on the door. I gathered all what was left in me and asked, "what?!"

"You have been here for long, come out!" I heard a teacher's voice say.

"I am sorry, miss! It's just my stomach hurts," I lied.

"No excuses! Go to class and I will get you some pain killers," the teacher firmly said.

I cried realizing that I have no other choice. I went out nervously. The teacher took me to my class and then gave me pain killers. I sat in my seat trying to control my emotions.

'Daniel, please! Don't be late!' I thought.

I looked up and found the new guy looking at me. He looked way older than to be here. Daniel also looked older though. Yes, Leah! Think about Daniel and forget that weirdo.

"Took you long enough to come back, mate! Seems like you're trying to escape your fate," he whispered in my ear. His voice was too deep which made me scared. Daniel's voice was deep but it never made me scared. It always made me feel home. Where are you now, Daniel?!

"You have to know that you can't escape your fate, even with your weak boyfriend's help. I am your fate and soon enough you will be running to my arms, just you wait!" he whispered again making my body shake a little.

"W-what do you w-want from me?!" I asked stuttering.

"I want you, princess! Soon enough you'll know everything," he whispered and that increased my fear.

"B-but I have a boyfriend, a-and I-I love him," I whispered but loud enough for him to hear.

"Umm.... This only means that it's just a problem that I have to fix, isn't it?!" he asked. I stayed silent deciding that it was better to stay silent.

Few minutes had passed before my name was called. I took a deep breath as a smile formed on my lips. The teacher came to me and then said, " Pack your things! You can leave early because your parents have sent someone to pick you up."

'Thanks, Daniel!' I thought.

The teacher went back to her desk. Paul, the new guy, looked at me and then said, "You're lucky, princess! But you will never be lucky forever."

I stood up and grabbed my things. I smiled at the teacher as I headed to the door. I went to the gate and found Daniel there. I ran to him and hugged him trying my best to calm down. The class was overly stressful for me.

"Calm down, babe! I have got you," he whispered. I smiled at him. My heart was beating hard as I felt sparks running on my skin.

"Take me home, Daniel!" I ordered and he nodded.

He carried me and placed me in the car. I wasn't in the mood to reject that kind of help. I smiled looking at him. He looked stressed and worried. He entered the car and I found myself kissing him. I had to intentions. The first was to calm me down and the second was for him to calm down also. We both needed it.

He drove the car saying no word. We made it there and the ride was actually silent, the awkward kind of silence. I sighed and then went down. I opened the door using the key that I had. Daniel actually drove us to my house. I entered and he soon followed.

He slammed the door close and then pinned me to a wall. I never expected what he did next and I never saw it coming. He pinned me to a wall and kiss my lips savouring it. It wasn't like our previous kisses. It was more demanding and more controlling. I couldn't even kiss back. He warped my legs around his waist and I allowed my arms to warp around his neck.

Daniel started kissing me again giving me no time to take a breath. When I felt like I could take no more, I tapped his back so he took the message and let my lips go, but not me.

He started kissing my face going down to my neck. I couldn't help but moan when he reached a certain spot.

"Time to mark you, mate!" he stated in a deep voice that I could have mistaken it as someone's voice not Daniel's.

He bit down into my neck making pain shot into it. I couldn't help but scream but he didn't pull back. I kept yelling and screaming for him to let go until all of a sudden the pain turned to a weird feeling. It made me feel happy like I was on cloud nine or in a total new world.

What the heck was happening?!

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