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"Come in!" The teachers yelled in the detention room. We entered together and that was my very first detention. The things you do to me, Daniel.

Daniel entered with a glare and I entered with shaky legs. I looked at him with a sigh knowing that the devil would be in. I had a lot to do other than being here. I had to get ready for the party tonight for my best friend.

"Honey!" I said looking at Daniel trying to help him. I sighed as I received a smile. We both sat down next to each other with Paul behind us. He smirked when he saw me looking behind. He has a sick mind, I swear.

"Can't resist me, mate?" He asked proposly annoying Daniel.

"Don't talk to her! She's mine," Daniel yelled.

"She is my mate not yours," they started over again and I was stressing but tried to keep my cool. Daniel was fighting with that guy so he couldn't notice.

"In your fucking wildest dreams. She is only mine. My blood choose her and fate but us together, so shut the damn fuck up!" Daniel yelled.

"That's the thing. I chose her willingly, unlike you this means that I would treat her better than you," he yelled back. They were both at another's throut and I was so stressed to do anything. I was scared. Daniel was my mate and I supported him with everything but I was still scared. I was new to all of that.

I closed my eyes trying to block everything out. I wanted to hear nothing not even my thoughts. I knew that it would probably take me back to them.

"Shut up both of you!" I yelled at the top of my lungs.

"What do you need, princess?" Paul asked earning a glare from Daniel.

"What's wrong, babe?" he asked and I looked at both of them.

"Shut up! All day all you have been doing is stressing the fuck out of me! Shut up both of you before my head explodes. I am here because of both of you so shut the fuck up before I do something I know I would regret. Daniel, please I am so tired right now, so don't fight with him. Paul, I am so tired so please no need for this right now. Argue in another time when I am not there," I yelled at both of them. I have lost it, totally lost it.

"Okay," Paul said and Daniel looked at me in shock. He didn't expect this to come out of his babe. I have always been the calm one and now I was yelling at the top of my lungs.

He pulled me to his lap and then said, "You looked so sexy while screaming, you know!"

I blushed at his comment which encouraged him to continue, "Maybe I should let you swear every now and then."

I blushed deeper at that. I calmed down and then a teacher came. He kept scolding us and all I could think about were Daniel's words. He really knew how to make me blush endlessly. I guess knowing that I wasn't even paying attention to the teacher scolding me allowed him to relax. The last time the teacher scolded me it ended up badly. He got really angry and almost killed him. (Do you remember that? Comment if you do! ❤❤)

When the teacher was done, he allowed us to leave and oh couldn't be happier. I was glad it went the best it could and I was even more glad that I managed to get them to shut up. The teacher said that it was my first time so he allowed us out. He also looked at Daniel with some kind of fear so I expected that he was a werewolf or something.

I smiled and said, "Let's go! I have a party to attend."

"Yeah," Daniel said glaring at Paul.

"Calm down! Don't waste my time," I yelled and grabbed his arm and started running. He put me in his car and started driving.

"Daniel, the teacher there was a werewolf, right?" I asked and he nodded.

"Most of the school were human but few are wolves, one of the was that teacher and the principal. That was why he allowed me in. He didn't know that I was the king at first but when he did, he allowed me," Daniel said casually.

"Oh! I still can't believe you are a king. You act like a normal person," I said looking at him.

"Only with you and with people close to me like my friends, mom and dad. You get it. I would never be a king or an alpha to you," he said and I smiled. I wanted to hug him and kiss him really bad but he was driving so I couldn't I had to wait until we would get home.

"Do you knows what you're going to wear for the party?" he asked and I thought for a second and nodded.

"I have a dress that I plan in wearing. What about you?" I asked and he shrugged.

"I will keep it causual. I am not that interested. I an only going for you," he said.

"Remind me to kiss you," I said and he smirked.

"Gladly," he said with a wide smirk. I smiled at him and looked out of the window. He played some music which was perfect for a background. I was thinking about my make up and what I would wear. I didn't know how to do my hair. I sighed and called Rachel. I have gotten her number this morning.

"Hey, Rachel!" I greeted and Daniel looked at me.

"Hey, glad you got out of detention. What are you gonna wear?" she asked.

"Probably spent dress and light make up, what about you?" I asked.

"You will see, but how are you gonna put your hair?" she asked and I shrugged.

"Honestly that is why I called. I have no idea," I said and relaxed into the seat.

"I can come over sometime. Call.Hannah and tell her to come! It's her chance," she said and I agreed.

"Okay, I will see you," I said and then looked at Daniel.

"Rachel and Hannah coming over to help me and I will help them, do you mind?" I asked and he shook his head.

"I am going to my home anyway, I have to check on mom and dad," he said and I nodded.

"Tell them I said hi," I said and he nodded with a smile.

We reached our home and before I could go out, I heard Daniel saying, "I have to remind you you owe me a kiss."

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