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" Baby, come on! We can simply skip and be together, instead of being away because of school," Daniel recommended and as usual my answer was 'no'.

" I am not skipping ever again," I stated walking with my head held high.

" Fine, whatever!" He walked me to my class and then said " No talking to boys when I am not around! No cursing! Focus on school because I swear Leah, if I ever feel that you are not gaining anything from school, and that we are just away because of your ' attendance shit' then we are not going to school again."

" Chill, dude! You are worse than a girl on her period," I joked.

He turned red and then glared. I laughed, pushed him away and then entered class. Daniel grabbed my hand and pushed me to him. I squealed in surprise. I hit his chest and then got pinned to a wall.

I was about to open my mouth to yell at him but his lips stopped me. It was placed on mine, making me relax almost immediately. I seriously hate that effect that he has on me. He kissed me, and I, with no doubt, kissed him back. I placed my arms around his neck and pushed myself to him. He smirked in the kiss and then pulled back.

" Now sweetie, every one knows that you are only mine," he whispered and I wanted to kiss him again.

As if reading my mind, his face got close to mine again. He was taking his sweet time which made me feel insane. I was going mad. I wanted his lips on my mine. When he noticed that, he smirked and went faster. When he was in front of my lips, he kept going down making me close my eyes.

I was waiting for him to kiss me, but he never did. I opened my eyes and found him smirking at me. I blushed and looked down.

" I wonder why I am always the one to kiss you first, to show you that I want you. Isn't it time to switch?!" he whispered in that accent that made me weak in the knee. 

With that being said, I attacked his lips. I placed my arms around his waist and put all the love and the passion that I have in it. He looked quite shocked and that made me smirk. I decided that I should get my payback, so when I felt that he was taking action, I pulled back, and did my famous hair flip.

He looked at me annoyed, and I gave him an innocent look. He shot me a glare and I giggled in return. For a second, I forgot that we were in front of my class, in the middle of the corridor, where any teacher could find us, not to mention that we were making out in school. I just allowed the moment to absorb me. I was so engrossed into the moment, that I barely noticed the bell ringing.

" Well, you are playing with the fire," Daniel said, his eyes turning a little darker. I gulped and then took a step back.

" There is no way put, sweetheart!" He whispered and then almost immediately, the teacher stopped us. Daniel's eyes went back to normal and he glared at the teacher. I giggled a little and then the teacher started yelling at us.

" Mr. Thompson and Ms. Forrester, if I ever catch you doing that again, I will personally make sure you stop, and where were you yesterday?! You are in so much trouble! Ms. Forrester, I didn't expect that from you at all. Your attendance is one of the best, and we thought about rewarding you, but you let us down," He said and I couldn't help but look down in shame.

" I'm sorry, sir!" I said looking down trying to hold my tears.

Some people may think of this as silly, but I didn't, I couldn't. My marks, grades, attendance, education were all I had to make my parents proud. I didn't care about the present, but I felt my mom and dad looking down at me.

" Why are you talking to her like that?!" Daniel growled. I couldn't stop him. I put all my energy in holding back my years.

" It's none of your business, mister!" Mr. Knight, the teacher stated.

" It is mine, as long as Leah is involved. I am the one who made her skip, so why are you scolding her not me?! I don't care about you, or who you are, you made my girlfriend cry and that's it!" Daniel said and I felt him moving.

" What are you doing?!" Mr. Knight asked but his voice was different.

I felt that something weird was going on, so I dried my eyes and looked up. I found Daniel holding the teacher from his neck and pinning him to the wall. I didn't know how did he manage to do it, especially that the teacher is taller than him. However, I had no time to wonder.

" Daniel, what the actual fuck are you doing?! Put him down!" I screamed and Daniel didn't budge. His eyes held a hint of red in them which made me scared. I backed a little but then came back to my senses.

' Who am I scared of?! That's Daniel, my Daniel! He won't hurt me! He will actually protect me with his life and with everything he has. I shouldn't be scared. I know him too well to be!' I encouraged myself and then smiled with a determined face.

I went to him and said " Dan, come on! Why all of that?! He just yelled, nothing biggy!"

I waited for a response but that didn't work. Daniel was growling, and the teacher was turning blue. I took a deep breath and tried again. It still didn't work and I started stressing. I didn't know what to do. I was losing my cool until I heard a voice calling.

I looked around and found the teacher and the students yelling, but the voice didn't come from any of them.

" Leah!" The voice called again.

" Come to me, sweetie! It's me!" I heard the voice say again.

I started walking to it, forgetting everything else. It all felt like there was no one there, and that it was only me and the voice.

" You won't find me! I just want you to know that Daniel won't stop until you hug him. He needs to feel you close to calm down," she stated.

" Wait! What?! How would that work?! What if he hurts me?!" I yelled to the voice.

" He won't, I promise! Your Daniel will never hurt you," the voice said and then disappeared.

I looked for it and focused to hear it but nothing came up. I snapped out of it and found Daniel still on the teacher. The teacher's face was blue, and Daniel couldn't see straight. Instead of stressing, I knew what to do. I threw my arms around him, hugging him from the back.

I could feel his tensed muscles. I placed my head on his back and closed my eyes, praying for this to work. I really wished that I wasn't just going insane.

Hey guys, another chapter is up and done. I really wanna thank ImKateCallahan for their comments. It really made my day and this chapter is detected to you because I updated it because of your comments. I wasn't planning to update today, but here we are!

Remember guys, your comments may make me update sooner so make sure to comment your thoughts. And if you have a question for me or for my characters comment below, even if they are. Like you can ask Daniel about his favourite color or how much he loves Leah. I will answer your questions depending on how I made Daniel and thank you. :)

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