Chapter 4

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It was no surprise to me that Shelf sent more people, even though my last encounter with him was a little mo than five years ago, I still knew everything about him. And he wasn't one to not send more men after he didn't hear from the first. He needed to double his chances at accomplishing his goal.

"How many?" I asked, taking the binoculars from Jake. I could hear Randy start to hyperventilate behind me.

"About twenty, you want to question any of these?"

"No, just kill them and let's get out of here ASAP. They are spread out over the property. I'll go up stairs to the tower, Jake you stay down here with Randy and just take what you think we will need. You know the code for the gun room." I loaded the AR-15 and started for the stairs.

"Nes," Jake said taking my arm. "Be careful. We need you in this."

"I know," I kissed him on the cheek and went over to Randy. "This will be over soon." he nodded and I kissed him hard, knocking the breath out of both of us. I pushed away and ran up the stairs. Up here I had a 360 degree view. The men were well camouflaged, but I was trained to spot men from heavy forested areas. I could easily spot them in a thinned wooden area. "Jake there's one close to the house, three o'clock." i heard a gunshot and then I spotted more further out, about ten in my north pasture. I pushed the window open, and shot ten times; each bullet hit it target. I turned slowly and saw five more on the south pasture. I shot and killed all five.

"That's 236 for me, and 480 for you." Jake said, I had to smile. I saw three more that we're hidden behind a tree move. Let's just say that they will never take another step in their lifes.

"That's actually 483 for me." then I heard a crash down stairs. Then gun shots, and I felt my heart drop.

"Shit, Stan, I'm out of bullets."

"Well kill him by hand then." I ran down stairs, and couched by the end of them. I peered out, their backs were to me. By the window I saw Jake laying face down, I can't tell if he's breathing or not. There was one man standing over him, and another had his hands around Randy's neck, with his hands tied behind his back.

"You know I'm not good at that," the man holding Randy said. I aimed my gun at him, but I couldn't get a clear shot on him without killing Randy. I shot the man standing over Jake.

"Stan?" The other guy asked. I ran out of my hiding place and tackled him. We both flew to the floor.

"D, go over to Jake." I said holding eye contact with the man. Out of the corner of my eye I saw him do what I said. The man was tall and muscular. He had bright blonde hair, and blue eyes. He was wearing a black shirt that hugged his torso, and camo pants. If this was a normal situation I wouldve thought that he was pretty hot, but now all I saw was some dude that was trying to kill my fiancé and my best friend.

"Step out of the way, sweet heart. I don't want to hurt a good looking lady like you." He smiled at me.

"And why would I do that? You scared of a little fight?"

"Not with you, I mean come on look at me and look at you. I'm a muscular guy and you; you're a little girl. And maybe when they're dead you and I could have a little fun later."

"Hell no."

"Fine enjoy death." He grabbed something from his sleeve, and it shined against the rays of sun, a knife. I was at a disadvantage, my bag was up stairs in the tower. I forgot to grab it when I ran down the stairs. He smiled, he knew exactly what I just thought. Now I was the only thing between him and what he thought was an easy victory. Then he did the most stupidest thing I've ever seen. I know he doesn't know who I am, but still. He stepped quickly at me, his knife in his hand, I grabbed a cushion from the coach and the knife sank into it. I quickly lifted the cushion over my head and turned around so the knife handle broke away from his grip. I pulled the knife free from the cushion. Now I had the advantage, and he knew that to. In despreation he went in for a punch to my face. I grabbed his arm and threw it to the side, and stepped in closer, my knife landing in between his ribs.

"Enjoy death," I repeated. Then went over to Stan's hand gun and shot him. "You okay?" I asked Randy, and he just stood there starring at me. "Okay," I nodded. I ran over to Jake and pushed Stan off of him, and turned him over. I bent down by his chest. He was breathing, and his pulse was strong.

"He going to be okay?" Randy whispered.

"Yeah, he's just knocked out. That Stan must have been some fighter. jake doesn't get knocked out easy. Will you go get some water and hot sauce from the refrig?" He stumbled across the room to the kitchen. "Thanks." I poked a hole in the top of the water bottle, and sprayed it at Randy's face.

"What the hell?" he yelled.

"Water, best thing for scared finances." with that he cracked a smile. I opened the hot sauce and put a dab on Jakes tongue. He bolted up right, instinctly throwing a punch in y general direction. I blocked it easily.

"I hate that stuff!" Jake exclaimed trying to spit the taste out of his mouth.

"I know," I chuckled. "Let's get going." I helped him up and got my bag from up stairs, and we all went to the car.

"Sarah," Jake said into his ear piece.

"Jake, Nes, are you all right?"

"Yeah we're fine, but there were some of Shelfs guys that came to Nes' house."

"I know. Come back to base instead of going to Utah. We need to formulate a plan."

"Yes ma'am." I raced back through the streets, back to base.

"What's our plan?" I asked Sarah at the foot of the elevator.

"Mystery. Your speciality." The four of us walked to the conference room. "Shelf is having a party in three days at the National Park in Colorado. The party will be held in the grand ballroom. Randy will stay here where he will be safe while you two get close as possible to Shelf. Your mission, will be to plant these little cameras." She held up a circular piece of metal. "Get him to invent you back, when there is no party."

"Sounds simple. Whats the catch?" Jake asked.

"There will be about one hundred of his men there, they will be looking for two independent people. These men are not like the untrained men that came to Nes house, these men are like you p, highly trained killers. They don't miss details every easily."

"So Nes and I have to act like a married couple?" Jake asked. Randy's mouth dropped. I knew he didn't like the idea. I couldn't blame him.

"Yes. I know you two haven't had to do this in the ten years you have been working together, expect for that one time, but that was nothing like this. This time you two have to act totally in love. Shelf admirers people that are in love since the death of his wife. You do this and he will surely invite you back."

The mission was simple, okay not exactly. Shelfs men normally don't miss there mark, like Sarah said they are highly trained, they kill without mercy. Jake and I have killed but we've away spent at least two weeks before studying out target making sure its the right one. These men don't ask questions, won't hesate. If they suspect anything, they'll take you out back and kill you. They'll notice the smallest budge of clothing where you hide a weapon. For the first time in ten years of being a spy, I felt genually nervous about going into a mission, well for more ways than one.

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