chapter sixteen

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She felt like she was going to explode from the amount of information she had taken in over the past couple of hours - the most overwhelming being that there were more titan shifters amongst them. A couple years ago she never would have imagined that people could transform into monsters at will, but now, she didn't know what to believe.

Eren being able to turn into a fifteen metre titan at will had completely baffled her, it was completely unheard of. Annie turning out to be an enemy of humanity, an enemy to her had been something she never expected, despite being so cold to everyone she never imagined in her wildest dreams that she'd kill people so mercilessly. Ymir was the newest edition to the list of people who could turn at will, but Isabel was still unsure of what her motives and goals were.

Jade eyes watched her body being pulled away on a stretcher, an arm and leg missing. From what she had gathered, Ymir was completely aware of her ability to turn into a titan and neglected to share said information. Despite not sharing, she had risked her life to save everyone else - or that is the story Christa had been telling everyone.

"Here." Isabel mumbled as she grabbed onto Connie's hand and pulled him up over the edge of the wall, her eyes shifting away from Ymir's unconscious body. Connie's hand gripped onto hers tightly as he pulled himself up, mumbling a 'thanks' and dusting himself down. "Say, Connie, what happened?"

He shrugged. "Just like Christa or Historia, whatever her name is, said, I guess. She just turned into a titan, saved our asses, suppose I owe her a thanks."

Isabel gave him a nod, her eyes shifting over to where Reiner and Bertolt stood, eyes narrow as she watched them. She didn't want to believe the accusations that had been thrown at them before they left, she didn't want to believe they could actually do the unspeakable, but she knew better than to not believe the allegations - she had been wrong about Annie too.

Reiner turned his head towards her, a small smile on his lips as he offered her a wave from where he was standing, ushering her to go over. She let out a quiet sigh before walking towards them, the closer she got, the more she felt uneasy.

"Reiner, Bertolt." She greeted, plastering on her best fake smile. "Glad to see you guys are okay."

The blond shrugged. "Thanks to you guys, we'd be titan meat for sure by now."

I'm sure you would, she snarkily thought, eyeing him up and down for a moment. Isabel's eyes landed on his make-do sling, she raised her right eyebrow and pointed to it. "What happened to your arm?"

"Titan tried to take a bite." He answered, hissing as he touched his arm. "But it was either my arm or Connie's head." He shrugged.

Isabel's eyes widened as she looked behind her to see Connie talking to Armin, waving his arms around, undoubtedly exaggerating the events and his role in them. She turned back to face him, inspecting his arm closely to see if any steam had emitted. She mentally scolded herself, if he really is the armoured he's not going to make it so obvious.

She pointed behind her with her thumb, "if you want, Reiner, I could change the sling for you. It must need to change by now."

Bertolt laughed awkwardly and scratched the back of his neck, his spare hand clapping Reiner's shoulder. "Thank you, Isabel, but I'm sure he'll be fine. He's strong, I guess you could call him a warrior."

As the words left the taller boy's lips, it was almost like a switch had been flicked in Reiner's head, his eyes grew wide and he grimaced before he nodded his head, eyes returning to normal size.

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