chapter eighteen

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"Go on then." Reiner smirked as he looked down at the silver-haired girl, his arms folded over his chest. His eyes flicked between the boys' cabin and Isabel, his eyebrow twitching in anticipation. "You wanted to play, you're not going to chicken out now, are you?"

Isabel let out a breath and shook her head violently fast, her braids slapping her in the face. She let out a quiet 'ouch' before she folded her arms over her chest. "Well, I think it's just too easy. It's not because I'm a chicken or anything."

"Is that so?" Annie cocked her right eyebrow, her voice monotone as always. "If it's too easy then why don't you steal a shirt from one of the boys and bring it back? Reiner could always take it back for you."

The silver-haired girl's eyes widened as she stared down at the girl in horror, a pout coming onto her lips. Reiner nodded his head, "good one Annie, that sounds interesting, I like it. Isabel, I dare you to sneak into the boys' cabin and steal a shirt."

"I hate you guys." She grumbled back after a few moments.

Isabel turned on her heel and quietly trudged over to the wooden cabin, the lights turned off hours ahead. It had been one of Isabel and Annie's Monday midnight adventures, though this time Reiner had been on an adventure of his own and decided to join the duo.

Her hand wrapped around the door knob before slowly creaking the door open, her eyes narrowed as she took notice of all the sleeping boys. Slowly, she crept into the room, her ears instantly hearing the quiet snores of her comrades.

In the bunk bed by the door were Eren and Armin. The blond was sprawled out on the top bunk, his legs and arms spread out in a starfish position with his blond hair falling in every direction whereas the brunette on the bottom was lying in a fetal position with his hair covering his face. In the next bunk along was Connie and Thomas, the bald boy had his legs hanging off the top bunk almost falling off the bed entirely, whereas Thomas was simply lying on his back.

The next bunk was Jean and Marco. Marco was on the bottom bunk lying on his stomach, his left arm hanging off the bed with his face buried into the pillow, his freckles seemed to be even darker against the whiteness of his linnen. Jean on the other hand, was curled into a ball, his arms wrapped tightly around his pillow, lips parted slightly and hair tousled from rolling around. She smirked as she stood on her tiptoes to get a better look, jade eyes watching carefully as his pillow seemed slightly wet from drool.

"Gross, Kirstein." She whispered in disgust and moved along to the final bunk, Reiner and Bertolt's.

As Reiner was waiting outside for her return with Annie, the bottom bunk was empty. Isabel looked up at her friend to see what sleeping position he was in as she had always heard of his strange positions.

She had to stifle a laugh as she took sight of how he was lying, his arms were folded behind his back as his legs were sprawled up the wall. Isabel shook her head, a smile gracing her features. "So this is what everyone was on about."

As she was about to move to go find a shirt, her eyes caught sight of a long sleeved blue shirt hanging on the end of Bertolt's bed. Her fingers slipped under the fabric and pulled it over her body as she turned on her heel. Mission complete, she thought as she headed back towards the door.

Before she could reopen the door, silent whispers caught her attention from one of the bunk beds. Isabel turned her head over her shoulder to see where the whispering had come from only to realise it was coming from Jean's bed. Oh this will be good, she thought as she crept back over to his bunk and listened to the barely audible sleep talk.

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