this is where I die

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The buzzing of the engine made him sleepy and he felt all the exhaustion, all his tired and cramped muscles again as the rush of adrenaline faded. It was something he got used to while staying with this weird organization, but the emptiness he felt was on a new level. He felt like someone ripped his guts out, leaving a big black hole which was aching painfully with every breath he took. Everything was just painful and he would've checked his chest on possible damage if his hands weren't bound behind his back. They were still traveling, if the light shaking and the rain falling down on the metallic surface of the ship's roof was any indication. He was also left alone, but there were probably cameras on him. Not that he was planning on escaping inside a flying ship...or escaping at all after all this. He closed his eyes ,feeling how wet the blindfold had become from his tears and sobbed again. Why was this world so cruel to him? Breaking him and taking everything he loved away and claiming it for itself. Maybe the world didn't want him to be here. Maybe the world tried to get rid of him for reasons he couldn't name.

"Guess this is where I die... In a prison, working until I finally break down. Or maybe i won't die at all and become a sim like revenant, to suffer for all eternity"

And he wasn't joking if he was pitying the simulacrum. It was a horrible faith and since he was in a similar situation he could fully understand the red angry half robot.

"Maybe i should just- ... Make sure they don't get my brain. Maybe I should just blow up my head" Elliott sobbed and nodded to himself as the idea passed his mind. Why should he stay if his only purpose now was to serve some evil organization? "No, idiot babo gat-i gulji ma. You're going to stay alive and get out of here" it was Cryptos voice, a bit muffled and it sounded as if he was speaking from a greater distance. Mirage twitched as he heard the sweet voice and shook his head as he laughed confused, "hahaha I'm going insane... I'm crazy. I'm even hearing him now- like he's still here with m-me. ..w-why...?" He sobbed again and tears were leaking through the blindfold, tickling his lips. "Elliott, I'm here" the ghost said with a light tone, trying to calm him down. "Yeah but you're not h-here li-like here with me. You're dead! You're gone! How am I supposed to live like this? With your voice haunting me forever, reminding me of what happened, because of me?!" He was talking to a dead person, there is no way he hasn't gone crazy. "Elliott listen-" "no-! I mean I love your voice. i love to be with you even though it's in a weird way, through a boundl- boundara- by you haunting me. Fuck, I love YOU, but i can't stand not being at your side anymore." "Witt." The tone was serious and hard now and Elliott wasn't sure if he had angered the spirit now. Maybe it will kill him and he will be able to live with it through death?

"Is he going to punish me for all my bad doings?"

There was a faint breeze and then there were suddenly hands on either side of his face, which startled him. Leather brushing his skin as they moved to the knot behind his head to remove the blindfold all of the sudden. He was greeted with bright light as he gained his eyesight back and blinked several times, trying to get used to the white surrounding, before realizing who was standing in front of him. He looked at the ghost in front of him, which looked so much like a living person, before breaking down in tears again. Crypto didn't hesitate to grab the engineer and hold him in his shaking arms as he sobbed into his coat. "Y-youre- ...y-yo-u..." , "I'm alive Elliott" Park said, knowing what the brunette was about to ask and cut the rope with his knife. Mirages hands were flying to Cryptos face, cupping it in his rough and dirty hands, which made the hacker look at him again. Just like they did before he got shot, with that longingly glimpse in his eyes "how.." mirage started, but Crypto shushed him with a sudden kiss neither of them expected. Mirages brain was a mess. First he believes he's going to be rescued until the love of his life got shot in the back..and now he was here and he was kissing him. This was too good to be true, there must be something wrong.

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