u-uhm what...?

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"....Hdjsnndjnd-" there was a voice. "jjdjjsksssfrtfj"


Elliott couldn't see anything, everything was a blur. There were... People (were they people?) in front of him...? He wasn't sure, he couldn't see anything but dark dots in a white scary and empty space, or room?
His head hurt like someone just crushed his skull under their feet. Revenant once did so in the ring.....

"Spooky robot thingy..."

He tried to rub his eyes but his hands were cuffed.

"Huh?? What the hell!?"

He tried to speak, to scream for help, but there was no sound coming from his mouth.

There was Nothing.

It was like in the Video game Octane played from time to time. As if you were playing with random people in a squad and they are annoying and start screaming into their mics, so you just decided to mute them.

"What was it's name again... Well whatever. That doesn't matter now, why am I even thinking about something like that in this kind of situation?!"

He suddenly felt a cold hand on his chest sliding down along his muscles  and hot breaths on his neck. And then everything went black and he felt a body weight on him.

"W-what th-e?!"

He didn't know what was happening. He couldn't get the idea of a one night stand out if his head, especially with these fuc- ...with these skilled hands on him. Questions filled his painfully pulsing head.
Were was he?
Who was... sitting??... On him?
And why really, why was he so hot?
He felt like he's going to explode any moment and craved for the touch of the mysterious person.

"Omg how did I end up with this kinky person? I shouldn't drink that much next ti-"

He felt a wet mouth on his neck and he- ..he moaned?!
And then his eyesight was back and he was able to see again, like someone blindfolded him before. Would make sense, wouldn't it?
The first thing he saw, made him look really dumbfounded. Crypto was sitting on his lap, smiling with his perfect face of an angel like a devil, sliding his absolutely hot hands all over Elliott's body.


He wanted to say something but Crypto pushed his fingers into his mouth. "Shush now. They will hear you." And with that everything went black again.

Then Nothing


It was.... cold. Why is it cold? Mirage opened his eyes and quickly sat up from the couch he was placed on, sweat was dripping from his forehead as he gasped for air.

"Where?! What we're did he....?!"

He rubbed his dry and hurting eyes and realized therefore his uncuffed hands. He stared at them and sighed as he noticed more and more that it was just a dumb dream and his face went all red. He did have some dirty dreams from time to time, but Crypto never appeared in his dreams...well not like that. Why should he ? Crypto, or Crypy, was the most rude...okay that's not true, well but he was rude and annoying and all nerdy so why should he ever dream of him and especially in this kind of context?! Elliott was so embarrassed he won't ever be able to look the hacker in the face again without thinking about this dream. His devilish smile and his touch. It made him blush madly just thinking about him.

"...Crypto would never, and I mean never, do something like that... Unfortunately. Wait....did I just thought unfortunately? I've lost my mind, really."

His eyes wandered around until his gaze got stuck on a blanket, which was laying on the ground. So this must've been the reason why he felt cold, but the blanket wasn't the only thing 'missing'. He....was half naked, well his pants were still there, only his shirt was gone.

"This was a dream, right? This definitely was one. But why... Why am I naked then?"

He looked around and recognized the structure of the apartment. It was the same as his own.... that means he was currently in a legend apartment?! He rubbed his forehead and tried to remember where exactly he was and how he even got here.

".. I was drinking.... And then....?"

At first he thought Path picked him up, but this wasn't Paths room. He'd already seen the robots 'home'. It was an apartment he had never seen before so that means.... Revenant's, Caustic's and Crypto's apartment...and Loba's..

"Should've revived her with my CPR technique last time..." (No Elliott, no! XD)

But he was pretty sure they all wouldn't let a drunk Elliott in their home or in general....maybe Revenant would, but if he was at Revenants he would've already been dead or tortured. He shifted uncomfortable around and freezed when he spotted a specific white and green coat.

"No way...."

This couldn't be real. This was definitely still the same dream. There is no way Crypto would let hi-.
His memories were crushing back in his head like a waterfall and he couldn't stop wondering what had gotten into him last night. He knew he was more talkative and open while being drunk...or drugged, but to tell Crypto about his past? He told nobody about it, not even Path. He wouldn't be the best partner for this kind of conversation so it was just weird to tell his secrets smarty-pants, unbelievable. He rubbed his forehead again still looking for his shirt, wondering why he wasn't wearing it in the first place, if this really was a dream (the one with the devil Crypy). Of course it was. But still: What did they do after he cried like a baby?

"Oh, Joh eun ha ru. How do you feel?" Mirage felt a hand on his back and his face went all red again. The hand was cold but somehow warm, just like the hands in his dream.

"This doesn't even make sense you idiot. Cold but warm?!"

Crypto was standing behind him and felt the shiver from the tanned man through his touch. He quickly pulled his hand away and leaned over the leaning of the couch to take a good look of Mirage's face. "Sorry Witt, I didn't mean to scare you." He chuckled softly and his thick accent, the touch and his wet hair, which glimmered in the morning light, made Elliott's heart skip a beat. He quickly looked away to hide his embarrassment as he started to rumble again "M-mo'ning. Is it morning, or 's it already afternoon? How long was I asleep? Felt like an eternity, ya know what I mean. Oh but when it's still morning, how 'bout crashing at my place for some breakfast? I mean...I mean, Only if you w-want to, you don't need to, I mean you still think I'm annoying an-" "Witt." Crypto was now standing in front of him and the only cloth on him was a towel, bounded around his waist to hide the goods, get it? (Okay Elliott that's too much). His skin was so pale in comparison to his own and seemed so smooth, just like his synthetic skin. It had this kind of hard look of metal but also seemed smooth, it made him want to touch it, but this was definitely a bad idea. All in all Crypto looked stunning.

Elliott had already seen his body once, when Crypto tried his >hype beast< outfit in the ring. It was very hard to concentrate. He remembered how he stared like a Teenagegirl instead of killing him with his longbow. Great mistake, because he got hit by his EMP and a shotgun from Bangalore right in his back. He shook his head and came back to his senses "u-uhm yeah?". "Stop rumbling and get out already" his voice was hard and serious, like always and all the little hope of Elliott ,that Crypto had taken a liking or at least a little more sympathy for him faded away. The hacker threw Elliott's t-shirt to him in a smooth motion, who catched it wordlessly and looked at it. Then he realized it: this wasn't his shirt, it was a new one, it was Cryptos shirt. Crypto was already back at the bedroom door and looked at him "ya', tell me if breakfast is ready, you owe me." Then he just disappear through the door and left him alone in the living room.


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