does that mean we're friends now?

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He heard the sound of his apartment door closing and descending footsteps. He was gone now. Crypto sighed and went to his closet to get dressed. He couldn't help but smile when he thought back at the time when Witt was out cold, sleeping while being hugged. He remembered clearly his hot breaths on his shoulder and those chubby cheeks he wanted to pinch so bad ever since he saw them.

"What the hell?"

His smile faded immediately as he got aware of his strange behavior and he rubbed his nose bridge. 14 hours ago he would've punshed Mirage for his annoying being and his nonchalant attitude, but now? He felt like comforting him and deep down he would love to hug this sad soul one more time, but he would never admit such a thing. Him, wanting to hug this childish old man? Not going to happen.

He was sitting at his desk, working on some files on his laptop, but it was hard to find what he was searching for. It was like he was searching the needle in a haystack, he felt like he was waisting time, precious time he could use for-... his thoughts were interrupted, when his phone suddenly vibrated and the blinking screen catched his eyes. He got a message.

jal saeng-gin idiot (=handsome idiot): Hey, uhm... Just wanted to text you, because... Uhm why did I wanted to- ah yeah! Breakfast is ready. Come and get your snack *wink
This time, I'm not the snack tho.... Okay was this weird now? (10:04 am)

jal saeng-gin idiot: Yeah, it was.
(10:04 am)

Crypto sighed "Idiot". He closed his files, secured everything and shut his laptop down before texting back, but he just stared at the contact name.

"When did I add him and WHY this name?!... Must've been drunk or something like that"

He quickly change it simply to 'idiot', for now.


Elliott was playing with one of his Holo emitters he was currently working at. The room was filled with the nice smell of homemade pancakes. There were also bowls with berries, chocolate and of course syrup. He never made such an effort only if he was treating himself or when he was expecting somebody and this somebody happens to be Crypto in this case. Elliott was sitting at his bar like table waiting anxiously for an answer from the 'hacker boy'.

"So does that makes us two friends? Or just comrades?"

He thought to himself, shifting nervously in his seat. He didn't know why he was so excited about that, probably because he invited his annoying co-worker for breakfast, yeah he was really annoying.. annoyingly handsome!

"I think it hit me bad this time.... This will never work out."

But nothing forbid him to flirt. He did it the whole day as Mirage anyway, so there is no difference if he flirts for real now, is it? He couldn't stop thinking about their hug yesterday and he wished to be be hugged like that again. Even if it was only one time, well a few more hugs wouldn't be bad either.

Suddenly his phone rang and he almost fell down from his chair "Gah!". He looked around as if somebody might have seen or heard it, even if this wasn't possible, he was all alone in his room (well Revenant could still appear out of nothingness like a ghost, but he didn't want to think about the scary murderbot). "Stupid phone.... Why is it on full volume anyway?" He checked his phone and his frown instantly vanished and he ran to his apartment door after reading the short message:

Pretty hacker boy:
Ya, I'm here. Open up old man.

He opened the door with a little bit too much energy, because it swung open and he almost stumbled because of it. There he was, standing outside with his usual clothes and a confused but somehow amused look. "What are you doing Witt?". One brow was pulled up and he smirked like some evil villain. Elliott straighten himself and brushed imaginary dust from his long sleeve away. "Erm... Uhm.. I... " He looked embarrassed to the ground "n-nothin' " he turned around in a smooth motion, as if he was dancing and waved Tae Joon in "come in, or do you want to stay there for ever? I mean I don't mind if you stay for ever thou- I mean ... Urgh nevermind". Crypto did so without commenting on Elliott's rumbling, secretly looking around instead. He was really curious and maybe a little nervous, but his face remained stoned.
The room was...flashy. A lot of yellow and red colored furnitures, a modern kitchen and a lot of pictures. He couldn't make the motives out from his position, but they were most likely selfies or fan-made pictures.

"Pfft... He really loves himself."

He followed Mirage to the kitchen but stopped when he spotted a specific picture in a wooden frame. Mirage continued to walk to the kitchen "I hope you like them, its the Witts family recipe-" but Crypto didn't pay any attention to him, he looked at the picture. There was a family. Four boys and woman all together smiling in the same flashy way.

"His family? He told me about them last night. They seem so happy..."

He was reminded of his 'family', if one could call it like that. He never really had a real family. It was only him and his sister until Mystic took them both in. He loved -no he loves them. He couldn't stop thinking about his misery, but Elliott went through a lot more. Loosing all of his brothers at once in the war and participating in it too? That would explain his deep scars all over his pretty face and his weapon skills. "It's my family." Elliott was suddenly standing beside him and startled Crypto a bit. He was lost in thoughts and didn't even notice since when the trickster got here. "I'm the small one with the crybaby face." His voice sounded strangely calm but also sad.

"Well, let's eat. It will get cold if we don't eat now and these pancakes happens to taste the best when still warm and fluffy" he cracked a smile and turned away from the picture, as if he himself didn't want to look at it anymore. "Yeah, sorry." Crypto sat down on the opposite chair of Mirages 'bar' and digged in.


"What? That makes it even more complicated!-" the man was talking to somebody else with an angry tone but didn't scream. He brushed his blond hair back and scrubbed his beard "mhmm..mhmm..... No, okay listen up. We won't take the hostile, we will get what we want in another way, a better way, because we'll have an engineer right here in our palms." He took a sip of his whiskey and put the glass down "- yeah. Don't mess it up this time..... Yes. Goodbye". He hung up and turned around to face his files on his tidy table and rubbed with his thumb over a photograph. "Soon you'll be ours" he smirked darkly.


They were both attending to meetings with their managers after Crypto thanked Mirage properly for the incredible breakfast. It's been so long since he ate pancakes and it was the first time a cutie made them for him. No, no cutie! He's not cute at all.
Elliott lost sight of Crypto since then. They met in the hallway from time to time and instead of death glares he received a little nod as greeting, Elliott was a lot happier since then.
It was one day before the next Apex games and everyone was hyped, or at least Octane was, bouncing in the kitchen area like a ping pong ball. "Ey Amigo! Let's play something I'm so bored." He was almost shouting to Elliott who made himself a cup of tea, machine oil smeared on his face. "No sorry, I have to fix one of my devices. Maybe next time?" He sighed tiredly. He tried to fix his gear since the glitch in his decoys appeared. It's been ..... 10hours, no 5? ...or 3? He didn't watch the time while working, he had that habit of getting fully absorbed into his work and pull all nighters to fix or study more about the holo tech. "Okay amigo, hurry up if you want to play later." Octane rushed out of the room and left the tired Elliott alone "I think I'll rather sleep instead of playing through the night." He said to himself while returning to his room and settling himself as comfortable as possible in his chair. He needs to check his mails before he continues to fix his gear problem and he really received one. Not from his Mom, not from his manager, not from Crypto... He looked at the mail before opening it:

From: Unknown
- blueprints

He finally decided to read it, but what he read made him loose his smile and went all pale.

Sry to bother you again XD but this one is more like a fill in (forgive me). The next chapter will be better. Stay hyped :)

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