let me show you something

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Ian suddenly stood up, grabbing Elliott's wrist without a warning which made the man yelp quietly "we gotta go now, or it's going to be too late, Elliott.". "He can't" Crypto answered for Elliott, staring daggers at Ian. The trickster was confused and looked helplessly between the two "It's non of your business hacker boy and he can decide for himself." Ian didn't let go of Elliotts wrist, what made Crypto even more annoyed. He turned to the brunette "Elliott, I- ... I need to talk to you... Alone..." Crypto looked at him with his 'its serious' look and the taller man instantly understood. He pulled his wrist out off Ian's grip and was quite for a moment. Crypto could almost hear him thinking by just looking at his face. The handsome bartender turned to Ian again and clasped his hand together in a begging way "Ian, this is really important, I will hurry up. Promise!". Crypto took the Freedom to drag Mirage away from Ian, before he even answered. He just watched Mirage being dragged away with a scandalous look.

They were now in a corridor near the toilets of the bar. Crypto pushed Elliott gently against the wall and placed himself in front if him, looking up and down for a moment as if he was checking him out, and he was, because Elliotts outfit was just too ... Was just made to be looked at.

"W-wuow- what are you-....did you just pull me out to flirt with me?" He grinned and put his hand on his hips. His crop top was pulled up ever so slightly and exposed more of his tanned, muscular stomach "you should've told me kid!" He was behaving like the typical Mirage everyone knew from the show, mostly to hide the fact, that he was quite surprised and flustered to be cornered by his crush. He couldn't believe it.

"I would flirt with you some more, but I have plans with Ian already sweetie..soooo we have to continue this another time..." He was about to move away from his spot, but Crypto leaned a little bit closer, trapping Mirage between the wall and himself. "plans with Ian? I don't think so. You will have a little date with me old man". Mirage blushed and went silent. He was used to flirting and it wasn't the first time someone was flirting with him, but it was Crypto of all people, Crypto, the serious, cold- no hot and handsome  hacker boy. Elliott looked right into Taes face and his heart was beating so heavily, it felt like it was breaking his ribcage. His eyes were now fixed on the rosy lips in front of him, oh how bad he wished to feel those lips on his own lips, tasting them, testing if they were as sweet as he imagined them. "I'm serious here Elliott." Elliott got goosebumps when he heard his name spoken in the hackers voice and thick accent. He grabbed his own shirt again to pull it down, like he did before. Crypto looked unmoved and continued "Don't meet this Ian guy. He's suspicious I can tell he's up to something." Elliott looked at him for a moment and grinned "ohhh I see, you are jealous of him!" He teased and run a finger over Cryptos vest, which was covering his chest "you want me all for yourself huh?". "...." Crypto hit against the wall beside the now shocked Mirage and cornered the startled man with one arm "idiot, I'm not! And this is serious! I'm telling you, he's up to something. Keep your distance to him." This made Mirage angry and he poked at Cryptos chest with his index finger "okay that's en-ough. Ian is a very good friend and he was a---always there when I needed him. Beside, he never thret- threta- threatened me with a knife or offended me unlike a certain person." Crypto didn't move away and stared at Mirage "Elliott listen-" "No! You gonna listen to me now! Nobody is saying bad stuff about my friends!" Elliott was boiling with anger .Tae never saw him like that, it was kind of scary how the 'sunny boy' of all the Apex legends got this worked up and angry. "I didn't said anything offend-" "shut up kid! I know what I'm doing and I know who's trustwor- trustwhi- -fy ... Whom to trust and your pretty face won't change my mind!" He pushed Crypto away and walked back to Ian "have a good night!".

Crypto didn't say anything at all. He just stood there shocked and surprised about what happened just a few seconds ago. Mirage was angry at him and it somehow hurts a lot more than being hit by a peacekeeper in close range.


"Hey friend" Pathfinder hold up his hand, greeting his fellow legend, who didn't answer so he tried again "hey friend..... frien-" "Pathfinder I heard you just fine...!" Pathfinders screen changed to a crying face, when the other legend answered him in a rather harsh manner. " mihane... I didn't mean it like that! I'm just.... Not in the mood to talk....". Crypto leaned on his ellbows and stared at his coffee. He hasn't exchange one word with Mirage since they met in the bar. Mirage has even been mad at him during the game. He sighed and looked up to Pathfinder, whos screen displayed a question mark "can I help you friend Crypto?". "I dont think so." He finally took a sip of his already cold coffee. "Have you.... Heard about Mirage?". "Oh Mirage!" Pathfinder clapped happily in his metallic hands "we had fun in the town this morning and he told me he's going to see his friend Ian later today in his Workshop"

Shibal , this Ian guy again... I know when people are fake and this snake definitely is!

Pathfinder was just about to continue when Loba entered the room. "Ah there you are.... Robot ..." She looked at him with an angry look "Wattson was looking for you, you should hurry up." "Oh okay. Thanks for telling me!" Pathfinder waved at Crypto and hopped out of the room. He was always so happy and Crypto wished to be happy like the blue robot too, to have no worries and to be free of everything.... to never ever run from something again.

Loba was fast to fill the robots place "sooo pretty, why so grumpy? Even grumpier than always." She hummed softly. "You know you will get ugly wrinkles if you continue to look like this." "I don't care about looks." He said flatly. He had stopped drinking his coffee, he hated cold coffee, reminded him of long sleepless nights. "You should, because you're beautiful....Sooooo" she leaned on her ellbows "is it about this handsome man? Mirage?" Crypto looked at her surprised. He didn't understand how she knew that, as if she was spying on him and that wouldn't be too surprising. She waved with her hands ,her nails were glittering in the lights "hey don't look at me like that. I've seen the way you look at him and I can tell he thinks the same about you." "Wh-what...?! I- I don't look at him in any kind of way!" He straighten his back and grabbed his cold coffee to stop his nervous fingers. Loba chuckled amused "oh dear. Stop denying it. You like him, so go and get your wife back." "W-wife?" Cryptos cheek were burning and he felt totally exposed, Loba was right and he knew it. He knew it a long time ago but kept telling himself he wasn't attracted at all. He stood up grabbing his coffee "I-.... Have to go now and to some research." He bowed lightly and hurried out of the room. "Yeah do that, but hurry you should claim him before someone else does."


"Yes I have him.....yes.... No the hacker won't be a problem.......mhmm.....on my way." The man put his phone away and got in his car. He checked on the unconscious person, bounded and secured on the backseats. "Look at you, thought you could escape us huh? Well think better next time...or at all." The man grinned and started the car, driving into the dark night with an unconscious Mirage on his backseats.

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