Ian who?

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"E-L-L-I-O-T-T. Elliott Witt? Hellooouuuu?" Ian waved with his hand in front of Mirages face, who blinked several times before reacting "Oh- uhm sorry!... I'm just....in thoughts.". Ian looked at him with a sad smile, he knew about Elliott's loss and he knew how it feels like, he went through similar stuff too. The blonde ordered two more drinks for them while listening to Elliott or just sitting there, being solely comfortable company for the lonely trickster.

Elliott was glad to have a friend like Ian, who didn't ask many questions and knew exactly how he felt right now. He was also one of the few people he could show his true self, maybe the only person? He didn't know if he could count Crypto in. They became friends, yes, but... Are they close enough yet? Elliott did feel some kind of connection and he didn't mind speaking freely about his problems and his life with the korean man. Maybe because he knew Crypto would keep quiet about his secrets, maybe because Crypto did have a heart ,which was proven when he saved him and let him stay overnight, but maybe..... because he felt a little bit more than just friendship towards the hacker.

"How's your work going? I mean your engineer stuff." Ian nipped on his glass while looking at Elliott. He was trying hard to distract his smaller friend And Elliott knew that. "Well, I did do some upgrades, but the thing with my mom stopped my working process. I will soon continue and when I'm done, I'll make sure you're the first one to see the changes." The brunette smiled at him, still not fully concentrated on their conversation. He was thinking about Cryptos words from last night, when he paid him a visit. They talked about his mothers death and then Crypto mentioned something about people, who were trying to hack into Elliotts computer. This lead to telling the smaller man about the people who wanted the blueprints and who were definitely the true cause of his mothers death. Elliott didn't told him about the time when he almost got kidnapped by strangers. He didn't know why he kept quiet about it, but he did.

"Really? I'm so honored!" He took a sip of his beverage and Elliott mirrored his action with a small smile. "Nahhh it's nothing special, really." Elliott waved with his hand. "A-nyway thanks for showing up today, it means a lot to me." "You can count on me bro." Ian leaned back in his seat and looked at the ceiling. "You want to visit my workshop today?" His glance wandered back to Elliott, who looked at him confused and then happy. "Oh I would love to- oh wait I have a game tomorrow and my gear is still broken. Another time?". Ian looked kind of disappointed but smiled "yeah that's okay, just don't forget about it like last time." That earned him a playfully hit on he upper arm from Mirage "hey I'm not that chaotic and forgetful".


Crypto was sitting at the lunch table with a rather grumpy facial expression. Caustic, Wattson, Pathfinder and he himself were listening to Mirages talk, even though Mirage was originally only talking to Path and Wattson. Caustic was just sitting there, with his coffee beside him, glancing over the edge of his science book from time to time to Elliott,  who was telling his stories with excitement. He was a lot better since he returned a few day ago, smiling and joking again, but there was still this sadness in his eyes. Crypto had joined them not long ago, but didn't say anything since then. He was kind of annoyed. "And I met him a few days ago in the bar again and he offered me to visit his workshop!" Mirage looked kind of proud "wow friend! that's a nice friend you got there!" Paths screen displayed the heart-shaped eyes face and he clapped happily in his robotic hands. "You seem to like him a lot!" Mirage nodded "Of course I do, I trust him. He's a dear friend to me." Mirage smiled and added "you too Path". Wattson chuckled, because of their interactions. Mirage used to be kind of mean to Pathfinder, but he opened up more and more for his not human friend.

Crypto just rolled his eyes. He was annoyed from all this and felt like isolating himself in his room again, but he wanted to stay at the same time and listen to the trickster. He was jealous. Jealous of Ian,  Elliot's dear friend, but he would never admit such a thing, never.

I don't like this Ian guy....

He crossed his arms in front of his chest and huffed in annoyance. "I'm planning on meeting him today too." Mirage said it like he was proud of it. "Urgh..." Tae Joon stood up and was about to leave the little group, feeling Caustics eyes on him, when he made his noise of disgust. Elliott turned around with a questioning look, he didn't really noticed the hacker before and was therefore a little surprised of his presence "oh Crypto, since when-....w-we're are you going?" "Non of your business, Witt" he glanced one last time over his shoulder and left through the door. Mirage looked kind of disappointed and hurt, but felt a little better when Wattson put her hand in a comforting way on his shoulder "what's with him?".


A rather slim figure walked through the dark hallways closer to the source of loud noises as if he was a moth, searching for the light. He didn't know what brought him here and when he saw the bright signs of the bar were Elliott worked at he was hesitating, freezing in place and just staring at it, like he did back in his apartment. His screen was black, turned off and he was still staring at it as if he was inspecting it, as if he was searching for the bug in his program, but he already finished his work for today.

He shook his head, stopping the train of thoughts and looked over his shoulder.

Should I leave? Why am I here anyway? Moleugessda....I will just check on him. I don't trust this Ian guy ...or the bar since the last encounter with this ... Rape-planning guy...shib-seh-ggi.

The thought of someone hooking up with Elliott made him angry and he stepped into the bar, his coat floating dramatically. A few people looked at him for a moment, but soon mind their own business, leaving the rather uncomfortable hacker alone. He spotted Elliott after a while, it wasn't really hard to not notice him with his..... outfit. He was wearing a yellow crop top and awfully thight black pants, which seemed like they were made to present this perfect butt of his. Crypto blinked in confusion, even thought this kind of outfit  was predictable. His 'ghost machine' skin left not much to the imagination. Crypto couldn't help but check him out. He looked stunning from top to toe. His curly hair was shimmering in the dim lights of the bar and his smile made him blush. "Shibal- ... hot" he held his hand in front of his mouth and looked around,  checking if anyone heard him. He couldn't help but blush even more. 

Jen-jang! What have gotten into me?! I must be frustrated if I think he's hot!


"Sooo what about going now?" Ian leaned on the table and seemed a little bit nervous as if he couldn't wait to show Elliott his Workshop. The brunette brushed his hair back winking to a girl which passed their table and started to giggle with red cheeks "hmmn it's pretty late, I don't know. I mean- we don't have to rush-" "yes we do!" Ian was standing on his feet all of the sudden ,but he immediately sat down again, embarrassed of his outburst "s-sorry. I'm just-.... Excited to show the great Mirage around. Can't you just come by for a second? It's not far from here." He made eyes like a begging puppy. "Iaaan- I'm not the 'great Mirage' I'm the humble Witt, Elliott Witt." He looked at his friend,  who was still begging in silence. "Just a bi-" "Elliott?". There was a third person joining in the conversation all of the sudden. Crypto was standing in front of the table looking at Mirage, not bothering to pay any attention to the other man. The two were looking up to the Korean man. "Oh- C-crypto... what are you doing here? Y-you never show u---up- ..up here. Didn't expect you here...." He grabbed his shirt and pulled at a little bit down, as if he was shy and scared Crypto might judge his Style. "I just felt like coming here today." He said flatly and Elliott laughed nervously "uhm...yeah I mean it's a cool place, my place. You could- visit more often. I would give you a drink for free , wink" he winked and Crypto tried hard to suppress the smile, which was almost triggered by Elliotts flirty winking.

"Well whatever this is Ian." Mirage gestured to the blond, who was greeting Tae with a nod. They looked at each other, both with cold stares and Elliott knew instantly: these two wont stand each other. "Nice to meet you.... Ian" Crypto said with a  fake smile and his thick Korean accent. "It's a pleasure to meet you too, Crypto" Ian returned the fake smile.

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