Let's eat! Razor x Bennett

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Being surrounded by hydro slimes was the last thing Bennett would've expected to happen to him. Then again Katheryne had warned him about the sudden increase of slimes near Wolvendom.

Bennett knew that battling hydro slimes with a pyro vision was not the best idea so he decided to run away. His stamina slowly drained away as he ran around the twisted trees and avoided the hydro slimes.

Bennett looked behind him to see how far the slimes were from him. He ended up crashing into someone while he was distracted. Bennett fell on his back letting out a cry of surprise. He looked up and made eye contact with two bright red eyes. 

Razor looked down at him in confusion but didn't have much time to say anything when he heard the slimes slowly approaching. He turned around and noticed them. Without any hesitation the wolf  boy stood in front of Bennett and battled the slimes. 

Bennett stood back and watched knowing he wouldn't be much help. He met the wolf boy less than a week ago when he accidently found himself cornered and surrounded by wolves. Razor had come to the rescue and subdued the wolves.

Bennett later learned his name and found out the wolves were like his family. Bennett had been thinking about the other boy ever since they parted. Seeing him again made him feel that despite this unlucky situation he was lucky for meeting up with Razor. 

Razor made quick work of the slimes and easily defeated them. Bennett had already stood up at this point and had already dusted the dirt off of his clothes with a smile on his face.

"Thanks Razor! If you weren't here I don't know what I would've done." Razor nodded his head and looked at Bennett slightly worried. "Bennett...hurt?" Bennett blinked his eyes in surprise and slight confusion before widening them in understanding. 

"Oh! Don't worry I didn't get hurt, I somehow managed to dodge their attacks while running from them." Bennett scratched the back of his neck sheepishly. Razor looked at Bennett up and down for any injuries. Finding none he let out a small sigh of relief. 

"How about I cook up some meat for us?" Razor's eyes brightened at the mention of meat and nodded his head enthusiastically. Bennett smiled and led Razor to the nearest campsite. Along the way he told Razor about what was happening in Mondstat recently. 

Razor listened to Bennett recount what happened with storm terror and how the traveler managed to subdue the dragon and stop the dragon from it's destructive quest. He scrunched his eyebrows when he heard that Klee had been off fighting Abyss mages but slightly relaxed when he heard that Jean and the traveler were there to make sure she didn't get hurt.

Bennett continued to ramble until they finally reached a campsite. Using his vision he lit up the fire and watched the pot slowly heating up. Bennett reached into his storage and began to pull out some ingredients. He seasoned the meat and placed the meat on a spit and slowly roasted it over the fire. 

Razor also began to take out ingredients from his pack. "Razor will help." Was all he said as he began to shred potatoes and turned them into paw shaped hash browns. The two silently cooked until at last the food was finally done. 

Bennett handed over half the meat to Razor with a smile on his face and Razor handed over some of the hash browns he had prepared in slight nervousness. Bennett smiled widened and he let out a loud thanks. 

Razor watched in slight apprehension as Bennett began to eat the hash browns. He didn't make them much and was slightly worried that Bennett wouldn't like them. On the contrary Bennett was excited to try out the hash browns. 

People usually didn't prepare food for him unless he ordered it at a restaurant. So without any restraint he began to eat the hash browns with gusto. Unfortunately it seemed like Bennett had forgotten that the food was just prepared and was still hot. 

He took a few bites without blowing on it first and burned his tongue. Bennett winced in pain and stopped eating to let his poor tongue to cool down. Razor noticed the change in his expression when he took a bite from the hash browns.

Razor frowned slightly. "Bennett...Not like food?" Bennett, who was still trying to cool his tongue down, looked up confused. "vwha do yo maen?" Now it was Razor's turn to be confused. Why was Bennett talking so weird?

"Is Bennett okay?" Bennett let out a small laugh despite the pain in his mouth. "Bwurned my twongue." Was all he managed to say before wincing in pain. Razor understood and stood up before running away.

Bennett watched him disappear in the distance. Huh? Where's he going? Bennett watched in a slight daze before noticing Razor running back over with a flask. Razor walked over to Bennett and handed the flask to Bennett.

Bennett opened the flash and saw that there was water inside. His eyes lit up and he eagerly drank half the flask. The water was cool and soothed the burn. After a bit of time the burn wasn't as bad and Bennett could speak normally.

"Haha, Thanks for the water and I'm sorry I made you worry. By the way the Hash browns were really good. When did you learn how to make them?" Hearing Bennett was back to his usually talkative self, Razor let out a sigh of relief. 

Bennett's words of praise made him feel warm inside. "Lisa taught me." He answered Bennett's question. "Really?!" Razor nodded his head," Lisa taught Razor how to use vison and how to cook." Bennett smiled and laughed slightly, "That explains why you're so strong!" Razor nodded his head, "Lisa strong but scary when angry." 

Bennett remembered Lisa's tendency to give out divine punishment to people who didn't return their books and nodded his head. Bennett smiled. 'This is the most I've heard Razor speak...this is nice.' 

The two continued to talk until the sun gradually went away. Bennett, noticing how dark it was, stood up and helped Razor help as well. "Today was fun... despite the slimes and burning my tongue but let's do this again in the future." 

Razor's eyes lit up in excitement and a small smile made it's way to his face. "Ok." Was all that Razor said but Bennett was already bubbling with excitement. The two walked together until they were near Springvale.

Razor felt slightly reluctant to part from Bennett. Worried that he'd end up getting himself hurt or in another dangerous situation.  Bennett saw that Razor looked a bit worried and patted his shoulder. "Don't worry, Mondstat isn't that far. I'll get there alright." He said with a reassuring smile.

Razor felt that warm feeling in his chest again. He watched Bennett let go of his shoulder and run ahead. Razor watched him until his figure slowly disappeared. When he thought about seeing him in the future, Razor felt his heart slowly pick up.

Razor slowly walked away and head back to Wolvendom, still troubled with confusing feelings.

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