Let's talk- Bennett x Razor

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A/n: Third and final part to the story. 

The orderly way the books were lined on their shelves and the silence that was occasionally interrupted by pages turning usually filled people with ease. But Razor found the library uneasy. The words on the spines of the books simply mocked his lack of understanding. The quietness pricked his ears and had the hairs on the back of his neck standing on edge.

Nothing like the woods where the wind breathed life into each corner.

Although he didn't like the library, he still chose to walk inside. "Welcom- Oh, if it isn't my little wolf pup. What brings you here Razor?" Lisa smiled when she saw Razor enter the library.  Razor nervously looked around the library and clenched his fists.

Lisa waited for him to talk with a patient smile. Razor got closer to Lisa and murmured in a quiet voice, "I...need help" Lisa saw his anxious face and quietly giggled. "If you're having trouble with combat or anything else then I'll assist you."

"Not combat... " Razor sighed and scratched behind his ear. Lisa saw his face an unusual shade of red. "Sweetie are you getting a fever, you're completely red." Lisa placed the back of her palm against Razor's forehead.

"Not a fever..." Lisa removed her hand and saw Razor frowning. "Lisa wrong... Razor is sick." Lisa raised her eyebrow. "Really? Where?" Razor pointed at his heart. "My heart goes really fast ... all Benny's fault." Lisa quickly connected the dots and her lips curved up.

"Oh, really?" Razor nodded his head. "How do I fix it?" Lisa laughed and patted Razor's head. " You're not broken and you're not sick." Razor scrunched his eyebrows together and his frown deepened. "Razor...not sick?"

Lisa smiled and stood up from her chair. "Let's talk somewhere else, the library is a little stuffy." Razor nodded and followed Lisa out to where the Anemo Archon statue was. The wind was light and curled around the area.

Lisa took him to a bench under the shade and patted the seat next to her. "Come, sit." Razor obediently sat down and waited for Lisa to talk. "Razor, Do you like Bennett?" Razor nodded immediately. "Yes, Benny is my friend!"

Razor frowned after he said that. Bennett was his friend but his heart felt weird when he only thought of him as a friend. Lisa saw him frown and patted him on his shoulder. "Take your time. The like you have for your 'friend' Bennett is different."

He looked at Lisa with his red eyes slightly widened, "Different...? What does Lisa mean?" Lisa was about to explain when she heard a familiar voice calling for her. "Ah, so that's where you were. I was worried when I didn't see you in your office or in the library."

Jean's face was creased with weariness but was full of relief when she saw Lisa. Lisa's eyebrow quirked up and an amused chuckle left her lips. "You were looking for little ol' me?" Jean's eyes shifted away from Lisa's amused stare. "Well, I finally got some free time so I was wondering if we should get something to eat."

Razor watched the two talk and could see Jean's face become red the more Lisa stared at her. Lisa laughed and gave a hug to Razor. "I apologize but I've got a date to attend. I'm pretty sure you'll figure it out but if you still continue having trouble then come find me in the library, okay sweetie?"

Razor nodded his head and watched Lisa stand up. She ruffled his hair one last time before walking off with Jean. Razor stood up after they were gone from sight and started walking out of Mondstadt.

Along the way, he could hear people whispering.

"That's the wolf boy from Wolvendom."

"Was he really raised by wolves?"

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