National Museum of Korea

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{The bomb is located somewhere beneath the Museum.} Yoongi notified the team.

   The place was deserted. No citizens lingered around the place, leaving the popular location lifeless. Instead, the entire place was guarded by tons of Mnets. They settled near the entrance of the extremely large plot.

"How many?" Taeyong scanned the place before settling down in the bushes again.

{Forty...} Yeosang's voice was filled with nervousness. On the other hand, Taeyong, Yuta, and Sicheng put on a devilish, evil grin.

"Let the fun begin." The Japanese male said.

   They took off, running through the trees, shooting the Mnets, and tackling them if they got in their way. The place turned into a game-like capture of the flags; team two being the flags while Mnets chase after them to only be killed. Not long after, Sicheng became bored, looking towards his husband in the distance and made eye contact. The older man seemed to read what was on the Chinese male's mind. The two smirked before reloading their guns, taking out the Mnets who were targeted by their own teammates. Slightly annoyed, everyone turned to look at the couple. Taeyong looked up in Yuta's directions with a confused expression. Seeing the mischievous smug on his face, he finally understood.

"Oh, we're turning this into a game?" He raised a brow. The younger male fired his gun at the Mnet who was charging towards the leader; the older took it as an answer.

"Whoever gets the most kills gets to have a nice peaceful dinner," Yuta said. The announcement seemed to bring everyone's attention.

"Peaceful dinner you say?" Soonyoung and Beomgyu asked in unison, smirking. More Mnets came up to them, Hoseok and Yunho readied their defenses as Changbin and Felix reloaded their guns.

"Game on." Wonwoo fired his gun.

["Those two... always making a game during missions." Johnny shook his head, a glint of a small smile on his lips appeared. Just then, someone barged into the camera room. Everyone looked towards the doorway to see Renjun panting. Everyone immediately got up, wondering what happened if he came to the room in such a hurry.

"I-It's Jungwoo Hyung and Kun Hyung..." He panted out, Jisung went up to the smaller, patting his back.

"Slow down, take your time, Hyung."

"What happened to them?" Ten asked, walking towards the two.

"They're..." Everyone in the room held their breaths unknowingly, waiting for the Chinese male to answer. "Finally awake." Everyone rushed towards the infirmary to see Lucas hugging desperately close to his boyfriend, soaking his tears into the older's shirt in the process. Chenle hugged Kun tightly as well, the elder brushed his hands through his hair, slightly exhausted. He turned towards Ten, Hendery, and Xiaojun who were at the doorway. The other three went by his side while the Souls went towards Jungwoo. He smiled weakly knowing how much he may have missed.

"I missed the mission, huh?" He asked weakly. They nodded, Renjun came back with two glasses of water for the other two. "How long was I out?" The oldest Chinese male wiped his mouth after drinking a quarter of the cup.

"You've been out for three days," Hendery responded. He nodded, looking to his left as he saw YangYang resting on the bed, still asleep. A frown formed on his lips, guilt overcoming him.

"I'm sorry I couldn't be there." Kun faced the leader of team one. The older shook his head.

"It's alright, as long as we make it back together, it's fine," Seungcheol replied.

"What happened to him?" The older male gestured towards the sleeping male on his left.

"Shot in the back," Xiaojun shook his head. "Luckily it wasn't his spine, a couple of centimeters more to the right and it would've been broken." The leader of the Gougers nodded before sighing.

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