Triple E-ments Pt.3

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"Jay! Get this kid off of me!" Sunghoon demanded. The older quickly listened, kicking a boy off his best friend who was just stabbed in the shoulder.

   The attacker was about four to five feet tall and looking younger than the age of twelve. Though this boy was a kid, he wasn't like those children who smiled sheepishly, laughing and adorably skipping around with toys in their hands.

This boy, undeniably the opposite, was deadly. He was no child of what they could call him but something else that reeked of blood-thirst and brutality. Dull eyes, a smile upside down, brows furrowed, and even a bleeding forehead from Jay's kick. He held a kunai in hand. A kunai? He's Japanese? That doesn't matter, they need to focus on killing the rest and end this battle.

A speeding kunai was thrown at Joshua. The American caught it between two fingers in front of his face, a blank stare at the knife. It looked much different than the traditional ones they've seen from missions taken in Japan.

Nothing had happened within a couple of seconds until the instructor was unexpectedly shocked, powerful electrifying waves spreading throughout his body as he shook and yelled in pain, throwing it to the ground. It was a shocking sight. In just a minute, he looked completely burned out, heat waves visible as it emitted from his trembling and unconscious body. For a moment, Sunghoon and Taeil thought the male had died from being electrified on spot.

{"This kid's smart. Eliminating an instructor as they can be quick-witted and smart enough to find them out..." Yoongi talked to himself. The Triple E-ments taught many things to the child.}

Johnny immediately rounded off when the kid drew out a long and sharp knife, similar to a katana but only twelve inches long. Taeil and Jay pulled out their guns, shooting at the child. They couldn't help but kill this child if he was a threat. The boy without hesitation to kill was enough consent to have the orders to kill. All of them had came across young and dangerous children in the past, nearly putting down seventy percent of them.

Sunghoon, who was the most experience with close-ranged weapons, jumped in with his two daggers. He easily avoided all the thrown kunais, a spin here, a cartwheel, multiple handsprings before throwing blades in return, it was a lot for the boy who was trying to get close to the freshly trained Kage Arc. Sunghoon himself is quite surprised at how fast he could keep up with the fast kunais. Eventually, though, he had fallen over as he flipped back, twisting his wrist in the process, face hitting the floor.

"Sunghoon!" Taeil jumped in, pulling the younger away and deflecting three more kunais.

{Whatever you do, don't touch them or let them touch you.} Yoongi sternly ordered. He wasn't expecting any weapon to do this, maybe one day, he can design a similar gadget, it can be great for the business. Now, is the time to focus on his team.

"Yeah, no sh*t." Seokmin remarked, carrying his husband on his back. A place where he can gain consciousness again.

"Look out!" Johnny got in front of the couple, a kunai sunk into his right hip when he missed a shot on the fifth one. Jay had jumped the young boy. He shouldn't be this fast, but the kid was on another level of reflexes and speed. The American boy was kicked in the face. So much for being a young man.

The taller reached down to pull the knife out quickly before he could be shocked. Too late. But there wasn't any electrocuting happening, his hip exploded. F*cking exploded. Seokmin's eyes widened, staring down at his bloodied clothes then back at the older man in front of him who fell on his knees. Taeil and Sunghoon's heads snapped to the right of their direction, eyes widening when they heard a loud popping sound of flesh. "Johnny!" The oldest had screamed for his husband. The American wearily got up with a hand covering his hip.

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