Triple E-ments Pt.2

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The tenth floor was filled with numerous gadgets that most of them had never seen, leaving the six of them quite shocked by the varieties of inventions. The room was lit perfectly, yet they had never come across M. Where was this man? They kept their guards up, guns loaded and close to their bodies as the eerie silence remained lingering around the room.

Minho eventually placed his gun down on one of the tables, examining every corner of the room. Tall robots stood still like statues, powered off for the time being and none of them can imagine how strong these things are. Suddenly, Hansol knocked over a large launcher, getting caught in a large net and capturing Heeseung in the process. The noise was extremely loud, setting off alarms. Grapples, blades, and nets were fired from the ceiling.

The trainer cursed, dodging and deflecting all the blades that came in his direction, Jongho and Doyoung doing the same while Mingi protected Hansol and Heeseung from the sharp weapons. The trapped members were cutting their way out of the thick nets.

"It's too thick!" Heeseung called out. A couple grappling hooks by now had scratched up the other three who avoided them as fast as they could. A problem as these grappling hooks was hidden all around the roof of this floor, surprising any of them if one were to launch next to whoever.

"Jongho!" Minho lurched forward, pushing both of them away when a net was fired right above them. They got off the ground when two blades struck the trainer's back and thigh. "Aggh- Help get the other off my back." The younger obliged.

"I'll cover you, help them." Doyoung took Mingi's place as the giant helped Hansol and Heeseung get out of the nets.

What seemed like minutes had passed, turned out to be half an hour. The team had finally emptied the large supply of security, breathing heavily. Hansol sighed heavily as he wiped a stream of blood away from his forehead, examining one of the robots.

"Where.. the hell is this old f*ck?" Minho cursed out. He went to search for his gun, leaving the item quite far from them.

/My, I shouldn't have underestimated you./ A voice boomed out. Everyone jumped back to defense in a short matter of time.

"Show yourself!" Doyoung demanded. The advisor looked around the room frantically until he turned around, meeting red glowing eyes which stared into his. The room was now filled with evil laughter, emitting from the robot in front of him. How did no one hear this thing move? What in a matter of time did it get so close to him? The oldest quickly ducked down, rolling between the robot's legs and getting back up on his feet with his hands armed.

Suddenly a robotic-like hand extended from the back of the large suit, diving straight towards the advisor. "Hyung!" Heeseung fired a bullet, trying to drive the extension out of its lane. Sadly, it barely scratched it. Doyoung couldn't react in time, arms shielding away from what came at him. Blood and sleeves being torn out from his arms as he grit his jaw, the pain surging through his forearms. The heavy impact caused the advisor to fall, knocking a couple more gadgets down.

"M..." Hansol got up.

/Ah... the lovely traitors, came back?/ M snickered.

  Heeseung and Hansol visibly gulped despite their dark gazes meeting the robot. The two traitors of the team looked down at their wrists for a moment, taking in the scars' dreadful memories. /Heeseung, you indeed were strong from the very beginning. We still haven't broken you, failing with the amount of time we had./ The retracted hand appeared again, targeting Mingi. The strong and iron hand had sharp blades on the fingertips, retracting out and clutching onto the beanpole's vest, dragging him along and colliding with Jongho. Loud crashes and groans echoed around. /One of your comrades was straightforwardly and mentally weak./ The enemy paused for a moment, attempting to recall their name. /Ah, Wooyoung./ Hearing the boy's name infuriated Mingi and Jongho who scrambled up quickly. "Don't underestimate him!" The maknae of 8TEEZ yelled. The two rolled sleeves up. Things are about to get down. /I'd like to see you kids try./ The robot took a couple of steps towards Hansol and Heeseung. Bullets won't work. The American male noticed a large wall displaying all kinds of tools. Wrenches, pliers, hammers, anything to put or take apart for these technologies.

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