The Plan

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The sun was high in the sky on a lovely day at Rydell High. On the athletic field boys ran, jumped, threw and spun as they practised their various sporting codes. The only thing looking a bit out of place were the four girls sitting on the grandstand.


“What a lovely sight” Piper McLean sighed, eyes fixated on the muscular figures below.


“Yes” Hazel Levesque sighed dreamily. “Frank is such a hunk!”


Calypso snorted. “What would your darling parents say if they heard you even mention a boy!”


Hazel blushed. “They are not going to know!” she said decidedly.


“Keep up the way you’re going and you might” Calypso warned.


“And what do you think?” Piper asked, elbowing her best friend. “Who’s your flavour?” Annabeth Chase glanced up from her book warily.


“Why would you want to know, Miss Matchmaker?” she asked dryly, grey eyes twinkling.


“No reason” Piper grinned, leaning back on her arms. “Just that - you know - I might let it slip to them in Chem...”


“You wouldn’t!” Annabeth gasped sitting up.


“Ah so it IS someone in Chem. That narrows it down a fair bit! Thanks.” Piper smirked happily. Annabeth rolled her eyes at the brunette and went back to her book.


Then a soccer ball went flying and landed right in the folds of Annabeth’s sky blue dress. Her head shot up, blonde curls askew as she reeled in surprise.


“Who does this belong to?” she demanded, holding ball aloft.


“Me.” A dark haired boy with tanned skin and mesmerising sea green eyes was walking over. “Sorry about that” he grinned up at her arms open.


“Oh you want this back? Sorry I must keep it!” Annabeth wrapped her arms around the ball, firmly and stubbornly.


“Annabeth!” Calypso sounded shocked. “Give it back!” By now the rest of the soccer team seemed to have gathered, including a blonde haired boy who Piper was ogling.


“Please?” the boy asked, putting on his best puppy dog eyes.


“Fine” she conceded, chucking the ball back. “But next time I might not be so willing.” The boy chuckled, catching it.


“I’ll be sure to remember that, Miss Chase.” He winked and turned away. The team slowly went back to their game.


“Oh my goodness!” Piper squealed. “Annabeth that was amazing! You got THE HUNK of the schools attention. Without even trying! We need to figure out how you did it.”


Annabeth shrugged to dismiss the subject, but Hazel and Calypso nodded which spurred Piper further. The blonde raised a hand.


“So why is this so important Piper?” she queried. “It’s not like you have a cr-oh my!” She grinned at her friend. “You like Jason Grace!”


“Do not!”


“Do too! No wonder you’re so interested in ‘how I did it’. You want to get his attention!”


Piper fiddled with her hands. “So what if I do? He never usually looks at me. This is me trying to get him to notice me.”


“A noble cause” Calypso agreed.


“Ok Piper. I’ll help you get your man.”


“Thank you so much Annabeth!” The two girls embraced. “So tell us, how did you do it?”


“I guess I just was different. Not like all the typical giggly girls who would give a ball back instantly. I rebelled.”


“Rebels! That’s it! I have just the plan.” Piper rubbed her hands together with a big smile on her face. “Come in close girls. The first thing we need to do is...”

Hope you guys like this idea. Vote and Comment :)

QOTC (Question of the chapter): What is your favourite song of the moment? Mine is Worth It by Fifth Harmony.

Hugs not drugs

H E R E  C O M E S  T H E  S U N 


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