Hades Yes

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The next day at school Annabeth ignored Percy out of sheer embarrassment. Since that day was a Friday she didn't have to worry over the weekend, but the next week she only lasted until Tuesday.

"Annabeth? Please talk to me. At least just because we're lab partners" Percy pleaded. He had been going on like this for ten minutes now. She took a deep breath and faced him.

"Ok Percy. What we need to do today is take the slides and look for abnormalities. Then we have a report to write up so uh yeah." She gave him a weak smile before turning back to her work, stomach churning.

However at lunch she really cracked when he came over to their table and cleared his throat. "Annabeth can I please have a word?" The reaction was explosive. Piper nearly choked with happiness, Hazel squealed and Calypso gaped unattractively. The popular girls (who were sitting at the table next to them) exclaimed angrily and gave deathly looks. Apparently Annabeths crush was quite popular.

"Uh sure." She tucked a strand of curly blonde behind one air and got up to follow him. He pulled her outside the cafeteria.

"Hey" he smiled down at her, looking nervous. It made your heart flutter.

"Hey yourself seaweed brain" Annabeth replied before she could stop herself. However she was happy to see Percy grin appreciatively.

"So wise girl" he started "I was just wondering where we stand after the kiss." He bit his lip and did puppy dog eyes that made her melt.

"Look Percy." She met his eyes fearlessly. "I'm afraid to get hurt again. I really really really like you and have for a long time. The kiss was amazing but I need to know now that you don't like me because otherwise I'll like-" her lips melded into his as he kissed her. She relaxed and wrapped her arms around his neck. He picked her up and spun her while kissing before placing her down. With a cocky smile on his face he got onto one knee.

"Annabeth Chase, will you do me then honor of being my girlfriend?"

She pretended to think. "Well hmmm maybe I dunno.." He was starting to sweat. "You know what I think it's a HADES YES!" Annabeth bent down and kissed him sweetly once more. He got up and linked her hand with his. Together they walked back into the cafeteria together.

A round of applause came from both of their friends. Piper ran up and hugged them both before granting her permission and threatening some serious punching. Annabeth decided to sit with Percy's friends.

"About bloody time!" Jason exclaimed as he thumped Percy on the back. "Smooth job mate."

"Eh it could have been better" Amnabeth teased, poking Percy's ribs. "You know, romantic setting..."

Percy went pale. "Oh shit sorry! Oh crap."

"Dude she was teasing" Frank laughed. Percy went red as everyone else joined in the laughter.

"So" Leo spoke up, looking nervous. "Guys there's this girl I really like she's super gorgeous without even trying, has a great sense of humor and is so talented as well. I want to ask her out."

"Good on you Leo!" Percy cheered.

"Yeah great courage."

"I'm super impressed that's brave."

"yeah..." Jason looked suddenly immensely sad. He got up and left.

Annabeth frowned - what was that all about?


Like Annabeth said - Hades yes! They finally got together properly Awww percabeth.

More Caleo and Frazel next chapter.

Sorry about the Jiper sadness! It's just Jason thinks Liper is happening when it is not.

Hope you enjoyed my quick update. :) I'm improving!

QOTC: What's one place you would love to visit? Mine is Greece because of all the mythology stuff and because of the beautiful islands.

See youuuu


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