Ask Her Out

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Piper strode into school with an air of confidence that didn't match how she felt on the inside. Her insides churned with the thought of seeing Jason again after the game the other night. He probably hated her guts and thought she was a total slut.

She went to open her locker and froze at the poster on the door.

School Dance this Saturday 7pm - late! Bring your dancing shoes and a partner. Be there or be square!

She groaned and banged her head against her locker.


"Piper?" Annabeth queried, spotting her best friend banging her head from across the hall. "Are you, er, ok?"

"Ok?" As Piper turned her head she could see the sleep circles under her multicolored eyes. "I'm stressing so much about Jason I can't get any sleep! Plus the dance is this weekend and I don't have a date."

She quirked one blonde eyebrow and smiled. "Not for long." Then she felt arms wrap around her from behind.

"Hello wise girl" he whispered in her ear huskily.

"Hey seaweed brain" she kissed his cheek.  

"Is the school dance this weekend already?" Percy peered at the poster. "Hmmm how about we go?"

"You know I have two left feet when it comes to dancing."

"Yeah but it'll be fun. C'mon Annabeth pleeeeease." She turned to look at his big puppy dog eyes.

"Uh fine."

"Yay! We'll talk about it more tonight." He gave her a chaste kiss on the lips before bounding off down the corridor.

"Tonight?" Piper grinned. "What's that all about?"

Annabeth hit her lightly. "I'm tutoring Percy tonight Piper. That's all I swear."

"Suuuuure" the brunette giggled, and raced away with Annabeth on her heels yelling curses.

"Ooof!" Piper ran straight into a muscular chest and fell to the floor. Annabeth's grey eyes widened as she realized who it was.

"Piper" the boys voice was silky sweet. "Just the girl I was looking for." Dylan's very presence made Annabeth want to vomit.

"Well you found me" Piper groaned in pain. She ignored Dylan's hand of help and started collecting her things.

"Anyway" his voice rose "I was wondering if you wanted to attend the school dance with me?" Piper froze. Annabeth caught her boyfriends eyes and pleaded for help from where he stood with his friends. But Percy just winked and smiled. 'Wait' he mouthed.

"Sorry Dylan but I don't think in a million years she would want to date a player like you." People gasped as Jason Grace came striding up. He offered his hand to a shocked Piper, who took it and got up. They didn't let go of each other's hand. Dylan was red and angry.

"You can leave now Dylan" Piper said coolly. "After all I'm going to the dance with Jason so you need not have offered." The blonde haired boy gaped in amazement and Dylan scowled and stomped off. Piper grinned up at Jason and squeezed his hand. "Thanks for that Grace."

He smiled widely. "Anytime McLean. I'll pick you up at 6.30."

Instantly after Annabeth hugged Piper. "I told you so!" she exclaimed gleefully. Piper rolled her eyes. She smiled as Leo and Jason shook hands, friends once more after a misunderstanding.

Then Frank cleared his throat and got down on one knee in front of Hazel. Everyone turned to watch, smiling knowingly.

"Hazel, would you uh go to the dance with me? Please?" He smiled awkwardly.

"You don't even have to ask!" Hazel leaped at Frank and kissed him. Leo wolf whistled and everyone giggled.

Nico tapped Frank on the shoulder and he spun around. "Don't mess her around" he warned " or I will pummel you."

The big boy had the good nature to pale a little. "Got it di Angelo."

The bell rung and everyone headed to class with smiles on their faces - well everyone apart from Calypso.

Alright so I haven't updated in nearly two weeks...that is so bad! But I have an explanation.

I was travelling home from my holiday (over the other side of the world) and then was jet lagged for ages and then had to get back into school.

So I hope you all forgive me :)

QOTC: Do you like leaving home for a holiday, or coming home after a holiday better? I like coming home because then I know I get to see my family and friends again!

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