Chapter 1: A New Beginning

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Alice walked into her fourth period class, looking down at her schedule to make sure it was the right class. She looked around at the clusters of desks, not sure where to sit. She watched the students talk amongst themselves, knowing that none of them would let a new student join their conversation. 

“Hi!” A voice called from beside her. She looked over to see a pretty girl with long blonde hair that was pulled back with a large bow, blue eyes, and a pretty smile. 

“Hi,” Alice whispered, fumbling with her schedule. 

“I’m Trista! You must be new. Wanna come sit with my friends and I?” 

“Oh, sure, thank you.” Alice smiled at her fallowed her to three girls sitting in the back. Alice pulled her pastel purple hair over her shoulder and started playing with the ends of it. One of the girls had long black hair, dark eyes, and a serious look on her face. Another had short blue hair, glasses, and an oversized sweater. The last girl, who Trista sat down beside, had dark brown hair, green eyes, and seemed to be the tallest of the group. They all greeted Alice when Trista announced that she invited her to sit with them. 

“I’m May,” The tallest one said. 

“I’m Sarah,” the black haired one waved.

“And I’m Jess,” The last one smiled softly. 

“I’m Alice,” she replied, running her fingers through the hair hanging in her face. 

“Nice to meet you!” May called.

“Where’d you move here from?” Jess asked, looking beside her at Alice. 

“Tokyo,” Alice mumbled. She was trying her hardest to keep her shyness in check. 

“Really? That’s awesome! Welcome!” Sarah smiled at her as the bell rang. 

“Where’s Daniel? He’s not normally out.” Jess said when everyone sat down in their seats. 

“Who’s Daniel?” Alice asked.

“He’s a guy in our group. He normally sits where you’re sitting.” 

“Oh, I’m sorry! Should I go sit somewhere else?” 

“No, no! Don’t worry, if he’s here, he’ll just pull up a desk.” Sarah replied. 

“Are you sure?” Alice asked as a shadow fell on her. She looked up to see a tall, handsome guy with short black hair, green eyes, and muscular arms. She looked up at him with wide eyes and felt a slight blush cross her cheeks. 

“Yeah, you just stay there! I can pull up a desk from over there.” All of the girls said their hellos to him as he easily pulled a desk over and plopped down. “Hey, I’m Daniel. You are?” He looked at her with friendly eyes. 

“I’m Alice,” she glanced down at her lap. The teacher quickly clapped her hands to get the students’ attention as Daniel opened his mouth to talk. 

“Good morning! Today y’all are going to work on portraits! Draw each other, then turn them in! As you can see, we have a new student! Her name is Alice and I’m sure she will want you to treat her like she’s been here all year. Am I right?” She gave Alice just enough time to nod quietly. “Good! Your group will show you where everything is! There’s extra drawing pads in the back closet. Daniel, go get her one. Just put your name on it and you’ll be good to go. Welcome!” She smiled at Alice as she went back to her desk. Daniel jumped up and ran to the closet as Sarah got up to get drawing pencils. Daniel handed her the fresh drawing pad and she scribbled her name on it with a sharpie. She wrote her name in English underneath so that it could actually be read. 

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