Chapter 11: The Resurrection

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Daniel let out a cry of anguish as she collapsed in his arms and a bang rang in the air. He heard the screams of the others as the blood poured from her, but he ignored them. He slowly laid her on the ground, stroking her hair. He kept her head in his lap as the blood stained his jeans. The blood quickly stopped, and Daniel turned her head to see the hole closing up slowly. He waited ten minutes, watching her heal. “Come back, Alice. Hurry, please!” He said, his eyes watering. 

After another five minutes, her head was healed and ice began to encase her body. He set her on the ground, not knowing if the ice would get on him. The ice built up until she was enclosed in a coffin of ice about three feet tall and six feet long. Daniel placed his hands on the ice and watched her closed eyes. She looked like she was floating in the ice and the girls stepped closer. 

“She looks like she’s sleeping.” May said, almost sounding shocked. 

“Come on, Alice!” Daniel began to tremble. 

“She’ll be okay, Daniel. Just give her some time. Don’t worry!” Trista placed her hand on his shoulder as he stared at Alice. 

“What if she’s not going to come back? It’s been over twenty minutes! She has to come back! I need her!” His voice rose with panic. 

“Daniel! Calm down!” May shook him. 

“You don’t understand!” He yelled at them. They were cut off by the ice suddenly changing shape. It shot up, resembling a giant flame, Alice in the middle of it. She was now in a position to where she looked like she was standing. She looked almost angelic before the ice started to crack. Daniel watched with shock and happiness. The ice cracked loudly, and eventually crumbled to the ground, dissolving instantly when they touched the ground. Alice slowly landed on the ground and opened her eyes. They went straight to Daniel who was now charging at her. 

His momentum sent them onto the ground, Daniel holding her. She listened to his soft crying with surprise. “Don’t you dare ever do that again! I thought you weren’t coming back!” He whispered. He kissed her over and over, looking at her like he was looking at the most beautiful diamond in the world. 

“But it did work,” she pressed her hands against his as he held her face. 

“I’m so glad it did. Does it hurt? Are you in any pain?” He said as he checked her over. 

“No, I’m completely fine.” She said as he helped her stand up. She wiped the tears from his cheeks, glad he wasn’t crying anymore. She looked over at the girls to see them smiling at her like crazy. 

“We’re glad you’re okay!” May spoke for the girls.

“Me too.” She replied. Alice went and sat down on the outdoor chairs Michiru picked out when they moved there. Alice felt a little tired, so she watched the girls train with Daniel and Kaito. Alice’s mind went to the upcoming battle and a slight fear came over her. She thought of seeing her mother and father again and she was so glad they were alive. After a while, Daniel sat down beside her, panting.

“The girls are doing well. I think we’ll win easily.” Daniel said as he slung his arm around her. 

“Good; we need any advantage we can get.” She said. She rested her head on his shoulder, watching Kaito, the girls, and Artemis begin to goof off and laugh together. 

“You can stop worrying now.” Daniel said after a few moments.

“How did you know I’m worrying?” She looked up at him. 

“You keep messing with the edge of your skirt and biting your lip. It’s your nervous habit. Also, you’re my mate. I can tell how you’re feeling just by looking at you.” Alice looked down at her hands to see they were clutching at her skirt. She let go to clasp her hands together. 

“But you’re unreadable to me sometimes. I can’t tell if you’re happy or sad or scared unless I see you smiling or crying or shaking.” Alice whispered. 

“You’ll learn. Don’t worry, I’m just a very fast learner.” He grinned at her. He pulled her closer to him and she couldn’t help but smile too. 

Alice and Daniel, sitting in a tree!” Trista sang. Alice was slightly confused by the song, but blushed when May finished the rhyme. 

“K-I-S-S-I-N-G!” The girls laughed.

“We weren’t even kissing!” Alice blushed. 

“First comes love!” Sarah yelled.

“Then comes marriage!” Trista giggled. 

“What is this rhyme? I’ve never heard it.” Alice asked Daniel.

“It’s a rhyme kids here have sang since we were little. They always sing it when two people show interest in each other.” Daniel laughed. As he spoke, May sang the next line.

“Here come’s Alice with a baby carriage!” 

All of the girls laughed and Alice smiled at them. Before long, they were all heading home and Alice felt extremely tired. Daniel forced her to eat a sandwich before she went to sleep, but Alice wasn’t able to sleep until Daniel came in a couple hours later. Alice rested her head on his chest happily and was soon sound asleep. 


Alice woke up early the next morning and skipped down the stairs before Daniel woke up. Luna and Artemis were awake, sitting at the table with cups of coffee. “Good morning!” Luna smiled at her.

“Good morning.” Alice yawned. Alice opened the fridge and peered in. “Hungry?” She asked the two.

“Starving!” Artemis laughed. Alice pulled out eggs, bacon, and potatoes for breakfast. Luna helped her cook the eggs and bacon while Alice diced and seasoned the potatoes to put in the oven. Alice also pulled out some of the fruit she kept in the fridge and sliced them into a bowl. Alice heard Daniel walking down the stairs and she knew it was because he smelt the food. He scratched his bare chest as he yawned loudly. Alice skipped over and stood on her tiptoes. “Good morning!” She smiled, waiting on her kiss. He leaned down and pecked her lips, mumbling a sleepy reply. 

“What’d you make?” He asked as he sat down at the table next to Artemis. 

“Eggs, bacon, potatoes and fruit.” She walked over to him and ran her fingers though his messy hair. 

“Sounds and smells great.” He closed his eyes to her hand in his hair. 

“We’ll eat once Kaito-chan is up. Will you go get him up?” 

“Why can’t you?” He whined. 

“Cause he likes to sleep in his underwear.” Alice said bluntly. 

“I’m waking him up.” Daniel shot up.

“Thats what I thought.” She giggled. She then turned to help Luna dish the food into bowls and move them to the table. They made Artemis set the table for them. Daniel came running into the room, a look of shock on his face.

“What is it?” Luna asked.

“They got Kaito.” He said.

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