Chapter 4: A New Discovery

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“She’s been gone for three hours now! We need to go look for her.” Setsuna said as she paced the living room. 

“We’ll go look for her.” Trista rose to her feet as Jess‘ watch began to beep. She looked down at the watch, her eyes growing big.

“There’s a sighting at the park down the road.” She told the group. 

“I have a bad feeling. I think Alice is there.” Daniel said. He couldn’t stop moving since she ran off. He felt slightly sick at the thought of someone from the Dark Moon kingdom attacking her. 

“What makes you think that?” Michiru looked at him with wide eyes. 

“I’m a werewolf. I know things.” He didn’t have the guts to say that he thought she might possibly be his mate, the one love of his life, and that’s why he felt that way. 

“We need to go see. Either way, we need to stop them.” May said as she stood up along with Jess. 

“Okay, you girls go to the park. We’ll look around town for her. If we don’t find anything, we’ll come to the park.” Haruka said as she grabbed her coat. 

“Alright,” The girls and Daniel ran out the door. “Ready?” Sarah asked. 

“Ready!” The girls answered. With that, they all pulled out their transformation pens and thrusted them into the sky. 

“Mars Power Makeup!” Sarah cried.

“Venus Power Makeup!” Trista yelled.

“Mercury Power Makeup!” Jess hollered. 

“Jupiter Power Makeup!” May finished off the transformation cries. With that they all transformed into the Sailor Scouts. Daniel decided to wait until he got to the park to change into his wolf self, incase Alice required immediate help. 

“Let’s go!” He took off running, knowing the girls were right behind him. 


Alice cried as the woman fired a ball of negative energy from her hand at her. “What do you want from me?” She screamed, curling into a ball. 

“The Legendary Silver Crystal! I know you have it!” 

“I don’t know what you’re talking about! I don’t have anything!” She yelled back, pain shooting through her as another blow sent her flying into a metal pole. 

“Alice!” She looked up at whoever called her name to see Daniel and the other girls. 

“Daniel...” She whispered, her vision blurring slightly. He ran over to her and scooped her up as she looked over at the girls. She wondered when they changed clothes and how they were able to create magic from their hands. They dove into battle with the woman, and Alice knew she had to help somehow. “I have to help them!” She said as she tried to sit up.

“No! You’re hurt!” Daniel held onto her.

“I’ll be okay,” She whispered. She pulled herself to her feet, feeling stronger now that she was standing. “Hey! You want me so bad? Come and get me!” 

“Alice! Do you have your broach?” Trista cried as she hit the woman with a surprise attack as she ran for Alice.

“Yes! Why?” She pulled it out of her pocket. 

“Lift it up and yell, ‘Silver Moon Power, Makeup!’” Trista called.

Alice looked down at it, wondering what that meant. Slowly, she lifted it up into the air. “Silver Moon Power, Makeup!” She cried. She gasped as there was a bright light and she felt a warmth overcome her. She looked down at her normal clothes being transformed into something different. She now wore a pair of dark purple knee high boots, a dress with a black skirt and a black and purple sailor collar. There was a large purple bow on the front and back, but the one on the front had a large star in the middle. A tiara appeared on her forehead with a dark purple stone and long white gloves melted onto her skin. The gloves had black by her elbows. She felt a long staff materialize in her hand that had a large silver ball on the top with little wings on it. Finally, a small black chocker with a small star appeared around her neck. 

“For love and strength, the pretty sailor suited soldier Sailor Cosmos! May strength and integrity be your demise!” She cried when the light faded. She had no clue where the words came from, but she liked how they sounded. She looked down at herself with wide eyes. She turned to look at Daniel to see him changing into a wolf. The girls grinned at her as they fought and suddenly it all made sense to her. 

She twirled the staff in her hand and sent a blaze of ice at the woman. She screamed with pain and glared at her. Alice felt strength as she sent attack after attack. She watched the woman’s anger boil over as she sent out a large blast, sending the other scouts flying back. Daniel ran over to her, fighting for footing. Alice looked around in wonder as she blast felt like nothing to her. How strong am I? She asked herself. 

“Tell me where the Crystal is now!” The woman screamed. 

“Never!” Alice had no clue where or what it was, but she knew she had to protect it. 

“Fine! You won’t tell me? Then say good-bye!” Alice braced herself for a stronger attack, but felt none. Instead, she heard Daniel whimper beside her as the woman blasted him with her strongest attack yet.

“Daniel!” She cried, kneeling beside him. He slowly morphed back into a human, his face contorted in pain. Tears bubbled in her eyes. “Daniel!” She whispered. 

“It’ll be okay, Alice. I promise.” He whispered before closing his eyes. She slowly placed a shaky hand on his neck, feeling for a pulse. She cried out when she felt none, feeling anger swell up within her. 

“You’ll pay for what you did!” She roared. She slowly stood up, staff in hand. She slowly raised it, summoning all of her strength into her final attack. She watched as the woman slowly faded with a piercing scream as her ice attacked her. When there was nothing left of her, Alice dropped down beside Daniel. She slowly stroked his face as she heard Michiru, Haruka, and Setsuna calling her name. She looked up at him with tears on her cheeks. 

The girls crowded around her as she pulled him into her lap. “Alice...” Sarah whispered, placing a hand on her shoulder. Alice simply cried into his chest, confused by the crippling depression that washed over her. She cried and cried, feeling his body become cold. 

“Daniel! Come back to me! Please!” She cried. Her body slowly began to become warm and the girls gasped as she began to glow. Alice looked down at him, tears spilling into her lap.

“With the power of the cosmos and the strength of love, I command the rebirth of life!” Alice cried as the light spread to him.

“What’s happening?” Trista gasped.

“She’s resurrecting him!” Haruka replied. 

Alice placed her hand on his chest and closed her eyes. “May this heart beat onward with the strength of love!” She whispered before leaning down to kiss his lips. She cradled his head in her hand, feeling peaceful and calm. She knew everything was going to be okay. She wasn’t entirely sure how, but she knew. 

She watched with wide eyes as his eyes slowly began to open. The glowing faded and Alice felt tears of happiness well up in her eyes. “Daniel!” She cried, pulling him to her chest.

“” He sputtered, holding her close to him.

“I brought you back!” She whispered with shock. She looked up at Haruka and Setsuna, her eyes asking for an answer. 

“This is the true power of Sailor Cosmos. Your mother would be proud.” Setsuna answered softly. 

“This is what you wanted to keep a secret. But why?” She asked as she helped Daniel to his feet. 

“Let’s talk about this at home, okay?” Michiru said in a soft tone. She looked at Alice with great pride, and Alice felt the same pride. She thought of wanting to transform back into her normal form, and the warmth overcame her again. She looked down to see the clothes she wore to school.

“Let’s go home.” She whispered, looking up at Daniel. 

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