Chapter 12: The Battle Begins

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“What?” Alice looked at him with wide eyes. 

“He’s incased in the same crystal.” Daniel said as he slumped in a chair. Alice suddenly slammed her fist into the wall beside her, looking at her broken knuckles for a moment. 

“I’m sick of waiting. We’re battling them today! We’ll be waiting!” Alice screamed into the air. The TV in the adjacent room flickered to life. Before her was the same woman she talked to before. 

“You’re ready to fight, you say?” The woman purred. 

“Yes! Today! 11 o’clock! We’ll be waiting!” Alice cried at her. 

“We’ll see you there, princess.” The woman laughed. The TV cut off as quickly as it turned on, and Alice walked into the kitchen again. Alice sat down beside Daniel, running her hand through her hair. 

“I’ll call the girls.” Alice said.

“After we eat. We’re going to need our strength. Eat as much as you can.” Daniel kissed the side of her face. Alice nodded silently and filled her plate. They all ate in silence, quickly finishing off the food. Alice stood up as soon as she was finished and walked into the other room. Alice felt a dark anger flood her. She was ready for this fight. She was ready for everything to be over. She was ready to have her friends back. She was ready to win. 

Trista picked up on the second ring. “What’s up, Ali?” Trista said cheerfully.

“The battle is today at 11. Meet us here at 10.” Alice said. She hung up shortly after, calling the other scouts. Once she was off the phone, she walked upstairs to her room to change out of her pajamas. Daniel walked in once she was finished and changed as well, pulling her close when he was done. 

“Alice, I just want to tell you I love you. When this is over, I want to take you on a date, okay?” Daniel kissed her. That was really what she needed to break most of her anger. She looked up at him with her big, blue eyes, smiling slightly. 

“I’d love that.” Alice whispered. She wrapped her arms around Daniel and he held her close, kissing the top of her head. “If something does happen, please know that I love you more than anything.” Alice whispered after a while.

“What’s bringing this on?” Daniel pulled her away to look at her. 

“I just wanted you to know. In case something happened to us. I mean, there is always a chance that we could lose.” She said quietly. 

“I know there is, but we have to think positively. We have to think that we will win.” He said confidently. 

“I’m thinking that way, I just want to make sure that you know how I feel. Covering my, um, what’s the word?” Alice snapped her fingers.

“Bases?” Daniel chuckled.

“That! I’m just covering my bases.” 

“I understand. I want you to know how I feel too.” Daniel cupped her face. 

“Then give me one last kiss. The others will be here soon.” Alice whispered. Daniel kissed her with all of his love and Alice kissed back with just as much. They finally broke apart when Luna softly knocked on the door. Alice and Daniel walked downstairs with her to the other girls. The girls all hugged Alice, Sarah speaking first to say, “Ready?” 

“Yes, let’s go.” Alice said quietly. Luna wished them all luck and they headed for the door. 

“Where are we having this battle?” Trista asked. 

“The open field across town. Nobody will see it and there will be plenty of space. They can find us there.” Alice said as they walked. Once they reached the field, they waited for the Dark Moon kingdom. They were silent as they waited, not having anything to talk about. Alice savored the silence. 

The silence was soon broken by a loud crack of thunder as a large storm cloud formed on the ground. As the cloud faded away, in its place was the woman who Alice talked to through the TV, two other women dressed identically, and her parents. 

“Mama! Papa!” Alice cried. 

“Alice! Baby!” Usagi cried. When she tried to run to Alice, she was stopped by an invisible force field that sent a shock through her. Mamoru caught her falling body, yelling her name. 

“Mama!” Alice screamed, running towards her. 

“Stop right there!” The woman cried, hitting her with a bolt of lightning. 

“Alice!” Daniel yelled as she went tumbling back. Alice slowly stood up, pulling out her broach. 

“Let’s get this over with. You’re going down! Silver Moon Power, Make Up!” Alice yelled, thrusting her broach in the air. The girls followed suit and Daniel morphed into a wolf. 

“For love and strength, the pretty sailor suited soldier Sailor Cosmos! May strength and integrity be your demise!” Alice cried, thrusting the end of her staff into the ground. 

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