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Hey guys, I know this must be like super frustrating cause this is like my 5th A/N or something, and I know I said I was gonna get this story back on track but...
It's kinda hard to get something back on track when there was no track to begin with.

I know some of you guys actually like this story (not exactly sure why...) but I literally have NO motivation to continue it. I've tried to force myself on serval occasions, (I'm even almost finished the next chapter) but honestly I think doing that will only make the story worse than it already it. Truth be told, I started this story a loooong time ago (Sorta) and I'm just not happy with it anymore. The writing style, characterization, plot, heck, even my OC, all of it is just...really bad.

So, what I'm trying to say is, I think I'm going to officially put an end to this book here. I'm really sorry to the readers who actually liked this. I know I'm trash for doing this to you guys after I said I wasn't going to, but I just can't bring myself to finish something my 14-15 year old self started. Too cringe. Sorry...


I will leave the book up if that's what you guys want, and if anyone wants to continue the story or just take the idea all together and put their twist on it, go right ahead.

As for me, I'm either gonna stop writing all together, or start working on a new story that I've had in mind for quite a while. Honestly I think the idea is super interesting and it's something that hasn't been done before. Don't worry, it's still a TMNT fanfic, but it's definitely gonna be a unique one. While I'm somewhat interested in exploring the idea, I'll only do it if you readers would be interested in reading it. If not, well, that's alright, I prefer reading other people's work anyway.

Let me know what you guys think, ok?
And sorry again, I know I'm probably letting some of you down 😞

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