Her past.

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My mood did a complete 180 from it's earlier happy state. My ears and tail drooped, as my eyes dulled and my smile disappeared.

I sighed as I began to tell them my story.
"I lived with my parents and my older brother. My parents were scientists, they majored in chemistry. Their job was well paying, but required them to go on a lot of business trips. My brother, he was around 10 years older than me but we still got along great. When I turned eight, my parents got into an accident somewhere out of the city, the police informed us that neither of them survived. Apparently the car got flipped over the guard rails and down a cliff." I explained sadly, looking at the ground.

"W-what about you and your brother?" Donnie questioned softly. A small smile formed on my lips as memories of Tyler, my brother, flashed through my head.

A small laugh escaped my lips at the thought of him. "Tyler, luckily he was old enough to get custody over me. From then on it was just me and him. And let me just say, Tyler was the best..." Memories came flooding back as I told them everything. I could hear the melody of Tyler's favourite song clearly in my head.

Runnin' late on a Wednesday
Shortcut by the freeway

Me and Tyler were driving home from the store when his favourite song started to play on the radio. "Oh I love this song, blast it Jess!" He said excitedly. I giggled at his excitement and cranked up the volume.

Locked eyes as you passed me
Two hearts on a cold street
Lookin' at the same time
I feel your warmth, did you feel mine?

He let me sit in the front seat even though I was only 8. It was awesome.

I get the urge, but I can't speak
Two hearts on a cold street

He sang along with the radio, head banging and tapping his fingers on the steering wheel. I laughed as I danced along with him in the passenger seat.

I know this sounds crazy
But this could be fate
And I'm thinkin' maybe
That you feel it too

He looked over and smiled brightly at me, while I grinned back.

Tell me, are ya busy?
Tell me you could stay
'Cause I'm thinkin' maybe

Then the memory flashed to us moving into our new apartment. It wasn't huge, and it was in a less busy neighbourhood, near the edge of the city.

For you I would travel to outer space
Take a bullet to the hear just to keep you safe

The memory then skipped to me and him dancing around in our PJs, singing karaoke. He pointed at me smiling, while he sang the chorus.

For you, anything for you
With you all the years just fade away
Like a dream in my arms, but I'm wide awake
With you, whenever I'm with you

We built an awesome pillow fort, eating marshmallows and laughing as we talked. We ended up falling asleep in the fort, smiles present on both our faces.

Ain't it funny how the time flies?
Now you're here as my wife

The memory skipped to the time I caught him, crying in his room. He was looking down at a picture of mom and dad.

Remember how you met me?
Two hearts on a cold street

I quietly walked over to his bed, sitting beside him, wordlessly enveloping him in a hug.

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