one-shots │ multiple ships ━ valentine꒱࿐♡ ˚.*ೃ

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art credit: not mine


kageyama: probably gives hinata a new volleyball ball :p

hinata: probably gives kageyama the same thing but also bought a chocolate gifts only to keep it because he feels like kageyama wouldn't like it.


iwachan: pretended to not care one bit about valentine but sneakily placed a heart box with chocolate in it inside oikawa's bag.

oikawa: he's veryyy into valentines unlike iwachan D: he would go all out buying lots of roses and cholates and even bake cakes for his iwachan and despite iwachan looking uninterested, oikawa knows well that iwachan appreciate all the gifts 


daichi: set up a very romantic dinner for both of them

suga: is the one who cooks the dinner :p


asahi: asahi would be panicking on what to get for noya and ended up with a lot of gifts like a lot; huge teddy bear, boxes of different kind of chocolate, different type of flowers, even matching rings

noya: noya would give something that reminded asahi of him! liked a phot album full of pictures from memeorable dates in their relationship. even matching clothes, rings, necklace or bracelet.


bokuto: would give akashi a big stuffed owl because it will apparently remind akashi of him1

akashi: just like ordinary couple, he would give bokuto box of chocolate but the expensive type.


kuroo: kuroo is veryyyy romantic and would go all out reserving dinner dates at expensive retaurant and buy soo many chocolates only for kuroo to eat most of them because kenma doesn't eat much chocolate.

kenma: as much as kenma despise valentine, he would try to at least gives kuroo something. once he got kuroo a nintendo switch cause he doesn't know what to give him


tsukki: tsukki might looked like someone who doesn't give a flying fuck about valentine but he have a soft spot for yamaguchi :3 he wouldobviously go all out to give yamaguchi the best valentines. he would spoil yamaguchi with a lot of chocolates and huge dino plushie!

yaamguchi: he's a little bit confused on what to get for tsukki because he's scared that tsukki might not like it so he ended up buying different gifts like dino-theme stuff, chocolate and flowers.

a/n: i need answers! which one is on the top bunk, akashi or bokuto?

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