The boy next door

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New apartment

"Well here we are" Sarah pointed at the last apartment on her right. Steve was holding her hand and the driver was helping Sarah with the bags.

"Thank you so much for your help Mr Keylen"

"Don't mention it ma'am" he turned to Steve " now you are the man of the house as I see. Take care of your mother Stevie ok?" The boy just nodded
The man left and Sarah unlocked the door to their  new house. The living room was small with two couches and a table. On the right side was a small kitchen with another table for four people and on the left side were the bedrooms and the bathroom.

"Well love what do you think?" She asked he son

"Small" was the only thing he said

She just giggled.

When they finished unpacking and putting everything in place, night had already fallen.
"Steve honey go wash up for dinner" Sarah's voice came from the kitchen

"Ok mom" he replied with his week voice

When they finished dinner, Sarah tucked Steve in and went to sleep herself. The day had exhausted them both and they needed a good night sleep.

The next morning Steve woke up earlier than he thought. A noise coming from outside the apartment had interrupted his sleep. He slowly got out of bed and walked towards the window. He looked through it and saw a boy with brown hair running down the street. A woman, probably his mother, was shouting at him. He couldn't make out what the were  saying and so he opened the window just enough to be able to listen

"Get back here now" the woman screamed

"But I didn't do it. It was the baby. Becky broke the glass" the boy shouted

"James Buchanan Barnes if you think I am stupid enough to believe that your 2 year old sister broke a glass of water that was on the table, which she couldn't reach you are either retarded or just stupid"

Steve laughed at that part. Who were they? Did they lived nearby? The woman's voice interrupted his thoughts

"James get back here now or forget eating launch today" she screamed. The boy sighed and walked back with his mother

"What was that noise?" Sarah yawned as she walked inside Steve's bedroom

"A kind and his mommy were fighting" Steve giggled "but now they left"

"Haven't I told you how rude it is to eavesdrop?" She asked

"Sorry ma" Steve said looking at his feet

"Go wash yourself love. I'll make breakfast"

Steve went to the bathroom and Sarah walked to the kitchen to start preparing breakfast when suddenly she heard knock on the door. She walked towards it and looked through the little doorhole in the centre of the door. There stood a woman with brown hair and blue eyes. She was wearing a green dress and was holding a cake with her left hand. To her right, holding her other hand, stood a boy with the same characteristics. He was most definitely her son.

"Hello" said Sarah as she opened the door "may I help you?"

"Hi" the woman spoke "my name is Winnifred Barnes and this is my son" she pointed at the boy. He didn't say anything. "My son who has selective mutism as it turns out. This is James Buchanan but we call him James or Bucky. We live across the hall and couldn't wait to introduce ourselves. Oh this is for you" she handed Sarah the cake

"Oh God you shouldn't have" she replied taking the cake "my name is Sarah, Sarah Rogers and my son Steve is..." she looked around and as if on cue the boy appeared and run behind his mother "here he is. Steve say hi to the neighbours."

"Hi" a week whisper came for the boy

"Hello Steve. I'm Winnifred and this James" she pointed at the boy  "James say hi to Steve" but no answer came from the boy

"You are gonna have to forgive him he is very shy" she replied

"Oh don't worry dear I'm sure he will grace us with his voice when he is ok with it" Sarah smiled at James "well we were about to have breakfast would you like to come inside and join us?" She asked

"Oh no I'm afraid we don't have the time. But we would love to get to know you two. How about you come over for dinner tonight? I am well known around the neighbourhood for my meatloaf. Say 8 o'clock?" Winniefred answered

"We'd love to. We will see you then" Sarah waved at them and closed the door.

"Are they the people you saw earlier?" She asked. Steve nodded

"Huh...ok" she looked at the cake she was holding "would you like a piece of the cake mrs Barnes brought?"  Steve nodded again as they sat down for breakfast.

Barnes residence

Winniefred unlocked the door to their apartment and gestured Bucky to go inside. The apartment was similar to Sarah's, the only deference being that it had three bedrooms and a bigger living room. George Barnes was sitting on a chair in the kitchen reading his newspaper when he noticed Winnie and the boy.

"Something you'd like to say James?" He asked

"I swear I didn't break the glass it was Becky" he replied

"Winnie love take Becky for a short walk will you? James and I have things to discuss" George said not bothering to lift his head from his newspaper

"George he is just a kid don't overreact please" she whispered in his ear as she picked up the baby who was crawling on the flood. When she closed the door behind her George looked at Bucky and gestured him to sit down

"Now listen. The only thing your mother and I ask is that you tell us the truth James. Just admit to breaking the glass" he started

"But I didn't do it. Why would I lie about a glass?" Bucky asked but before he could continue George slammed his hands on the table. Bucky braced himself but was a little surprised when his father didn't do anything

" I understand tonight we are having guests?"
Bucky just nodded

"Good. Tonight you are going to be in your best behaviour. I am already disappointed by your immaturity don't make things any worse do you understand?"
Bucky nodded again


"Yes sir" the boy whispered

"What was that? I din't quite hear you"  George pointed at his ears

"Yes. Sir" the boy answered a bit louder this time.

"Good now go apologise to your mother"

"But why should" Bucky started talking but when he saw his father face he reconsidered and left without saying another word.

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