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A/N later on I use a scene from CATFA but it's kinda altered (yea I know sorry...I'm running out of ideas and school isn't really helping the situation) enjoy :)

James Buchanan Barnes

Bucky looked at his reflection on the dirty mirror on the wall. In all his life he'd never imagined he'd end up in the military. Preparing for war. He sighed as took one final look at himself and the uniform.

"Feels weird doesn't it?" He turned around to see a guy with a funny hat smiling at him "Timothy Alloysius Cadwaller Dugan" he said proudly

"Ugh c-come again?" The younger man's eyes widened in shock to the name "that's not a name, that's a witch spell"

"Ha. In all my life no one's ever called me that. Don't worry. People call me Timothy or Dugan" he extended his hand

"James Buchanan Barnes" Bucky completed the handshake "but people call me Bucky" 

"You're one to talk about bad names. Come on we have orders to I quote get our asses out of here and wait for instructions. I swear these people and their secrecy are getting on my nerves. Besides if you keep looking yourself in the mirror like that people might start talking" he gave him the you-know-what-I-mean look.

Bucky scoffed and followed him outside.

The moment they stepped out of the small cabin a very scary male voice shouted attention. All the man in the area fell in line and were given a list. According to the man they had to fill the list to start basic.

While the man shouted the orders Bucky could only think of one person. Steve. Was he ok? Was he trying to enlist? God he hoped not. This wasn't a place for someone like him.

Steven Grant Rogers

"I told you mr Wallder I'll have finished your wife's portrait by the end of the week. These things take time." Steve took a deep breath as he explained for the fourth time that day that he couldn't possibly finish a portrait early.

"And I told you I need it by tomorrow" the man, Edward Wallder insisted

"Well I'm sorry but I can't. If you want to you can go ask any artist in the country they will all tell you the same thing I've been trying to say for the past hour. You can't finish a portrait in less than seven days. Not if you have other paintings to deliver like me. And I'm very sorry but I can't prioritise you right now" Steve tried to stay calm

"My cousin Edna said that it takes about three days to finish a good portrait. You want me to believe your word over one of my dearest cousins" the man asked with attitude

"Well" Steve lost his patience "then you can take your stuff" he grabbed the woman's photos and the money mr Wallder had given him "and ask your dear cousin to paint her" he threw them at him and poited at the door "have a good day" he spat

The man looked shocked and angry but he took his things and stormed out of the basement Steve used as a workplace.

"Well that was charming" a female voice pointed out

Steve turned around. On the doorframe leaned the Barnes family only daughter. Becca.

"Becks" Steve's face lit up as he saw her "what are you doing here? Don't you have school?" Steve teased her, as he went to hung her

"I'm twenty you idiot" she went with it "last I checked I didn't go to school anymore"

Steve chuckled "it's so good to see you. What's that?" he pointed at a wrapped thing she was holding in her right hand

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