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Steve woke up several time later to notice Bucky sleeping beside him, his work clothes still on. He stretched and blinked a couple of times to focus his vision. He stood up, walked towards the window and peeked through the shades. The morning was dull and the cloudy sky indicated that raining was inevitable. He yawned and returned to bed. Today they would pack their stuff up and leave their childhood home to start over.

Moving was not something knew to Steve. He had done that before. But he wasn't sure Bucky was that comfortable. Sure he knew the stronger man didn't have the best relationship with his family, or more accurately his father, but he still wasn't sure he was ready to leave them behind

"Steve I know that it's difficult but can you stop staring? It's kinda creepy" Bucky interrupted Steve's thoughts

"Nope" Steve smiled

"What time is it?" Bucky didn't open his eyes

"Um" Steve turned to the nightstand and looked at the clock "about seven"

"Ugh" Bucky threw his head in the pillow with a groan "why the fuck would you be awake at this ungodly hour?"

"Because I've been sleeping for fourteen hours" he answered cocky

"Okay. Here's what we are gonna do" Bucky took a deep breath "you are gonna make breakfast and I'm gonna go back to sleep. And when I wake up again around 2 pm we are gonna pack and leave. Good?" He didn't wait for an answer. He just turned around and pulled the covers over him

"Okay" Steve smiled mischievously

He got out of bed again, grabbed the first clothes he found and went to the bathroom to change and wash up. When he was done he walked out and closed the door behind him as loud as possible. Then he walked to the kitchen and started doing as much noise as he possibly could. He opened and closed the drawers, he played with the cutlery, making them kling, he moved the plates and finally he turned the radio on.

"STEVEN GRANT ROGERS" Bucky's angry voice came from the bedroom. Seconds later he stumbled into the kitchen, still half asleep

"Oh I'm sorry did I wake you?" Steve joked

"I hate you" Bucky reached for the top shelf and grabbed the coffee "I'll make swamp water and you cook breakfast. I don't care what you make just feed me"

"Swamp water?" Steve turned to face him confused

"Stevie darling we are in the middle of the Great Depression" Bucky filled a pot with water "if you think that the liquid we are drinking that looks like coffee is actual coffee then I pity you. We will be lucky if it begins to resemble that godly nectar"

"I don't follow" Steve remained confused, maybe more that before

"Never mind" the taller man sighed "what will you be cooking?"

"Well since we never used yesterday's ingredients...I was thinking of making eggs" Steve searched the bags that were still on the table to find them

Bucky lifted his left eyebrow "Stevie I love you but are you sure you won't cook the whole house along with the eggs?"

"Shut up" Steve shot him an annoyed look "I can cook the basics"

"Just please" Bucky sighed defeated "don't burn the place down"

After about fifteen minutes they both sat down and Steve placed the semi-burnt eggs on the table. Bucky laughed at that and jokingly compared the dark brown crust with the dirt he had to clean off his boots the other day. Steve punched him slightly in the upper arm but he knew that his boyfriend was just messing with him.

Just two boys from Brooklyn Where stories live. Discover now