Ma don't leave me

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Two years later

Bucky and Steve had been living together for the past year in Steve's apartment. Bucky was now nineteen and Steve had just turned eighteen that summer.

It may have been October but the heat was horrible that morning. Steve and Bucky had opened all their windows and were both sitting shirtless trying to cope with it.

"Uh" Bucky sighed "I can't take this anymore. That's it I'm moving to Greenland. You coming?" He stated

Steve laughed "yea yea yea whatever you say"

"Shut up I'm serious" Bucky continued

"Well I would come but I don't think the asthma would fit well with the weather there" Steve joked

"Oh well guess I'm going alone then. It would be a shame though to have to replace you with some handsome" Bucky thought that last part for a moment but was cut off

"They are called Greenlanders you idiot" Steve burst into laughter "and I can't be replaced. You love me too much to do so" he added

"Meh I don't know...I'm kinda getting bored with you". The brunette teased

At that Steve stood up and walked towards Bucky. He sat on his lap and placed soft kisses on his lips and cheeks. Bucky groaned.

"You were saying?" Steve bragged

"I was saying we should close the curtains and go to the bedroom" Bucky hummed

"I agree" Steve stood up and walked towards there

Before Bucky could follow though someone knocked on the door

"Coming" Bucky yelled and waved at Steve to put a shirt on

"Oh hey Becks" he greeted his younger sister when he opened the door "never mind Steve it's Becky"

"Oh God. Steve if you're naked please dress up. I'm too young for nightmares" she pushed her brother aside

"Of course come in" Bucky said to himself and closed the door "why are you here? Don't get me wrong I really enjoy your company but we were um busy"

"Shut up Bucky" she turned to her brother

"Hey! Language" he shot back at her

"Steve come out of the bedroom. I won't eat you I've had breakfast I swear" she ignored her brother

"What's up" he slowly opened the door

Becky's look turned from joyful to serious "you may want to sit down for this. Both of you"

The boys did as instructed "Becks is everything alright?" Steve asked worryingly

"Well..." she took a deep breath "I was just returning home from my morning walk when I heard ma talking on the phone. She was talking with the hospital. Steve... your um...your mother's situation has worsened. She is weaker than ever and can't even get out of bed. I overheard them say to ma than she doesn't have long"

"What?" Steve looked shocked "what are you talking about? My mom is working overtime in the tb ward she isn't" and then it struck him. "She just told me that to not get me worried. Oh God. I have to go to the hospital. I-I have to see her"

Bucky wrapped his arm around Steve "Hey take a deep breath. It's going to be ok" he nodded at his sister to give them some privacy

"I'll be home if you need anything" she stood up to leave "I'm sorry Steve. I really am" she left and closed the door behind her

Just two boys from Brooklyn Where stories live. Discover now