1. Fire

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I hope you all enjoy❤️
Disclaimer: May contain Swearing❤️
Penny's POV
I hoped for a normal day today at the station but did I know that that would be far from true.
I had arrived on my shift at 6:00 am. I was earlier than normal. Everyone wasn't planned to be on shift until 9:00 am. I had made a tea and decided to do paperwork until the others arrived. Someone's locker went off and it didn't take long for me to figure out who it was. Sam. It might have sounded weird to say but I had a sense for him. I always knew when he was around. I must have been deep into my thoughts because I found someone tapping on my shoulder.
"Penny are you okay? How long have you been here for?" Sam had asked me.
"Oh Sam hi. I'm okay, I've been here since 6." I replied standing up smiling.
"Six! You have been here for that long. Why have you been here that long." He said opening the door letting me walk out first.
"I had nothing else to do and well ya know get started early." I replied following him towards the kitchen. He nodded in agreement. After a few minutes the others had joined us, after coming on shift.
"So what do you think our days going to be like today, Penny?" Ellie asked when me and her were on our own.
"I'm not sure, however I guarantee we will probably be rescuing Norman Price a few times." I said laughing.
"I should hope not. I have just heard some information that Norman is going to his aunts house for the day. Although he is returning with his cousin Derek." Elvis said joining the conversation.
"Great double trouble." Ellie said groaning. Me and Elvis laughed but we knew that it was true.

We carried on the small talk for a few minutes before the alarm broke our conversation. "Fire at the Floods it seems serious." Steele shouted. Arnold and Sam were already down stairs, so me, Ellie and Elvis shot down the poles for the uniform. Once our uniform was on we were all given our instructions by Sam. "Okay. Ellie and Arnold you two go in Venus. Ill go on mercury. Penny you drive Jupiter with Elvis and SO Steele." He instructed. "Roger that Sam." We all replied at the same time. I hopped behind the drivers wheel of Jupiter and once Elvis and Steele got in I drove off leaving the others behind us. When we arrived we could see Mike, Helen and Mandy standing outside with Charlie, Bronwyn and the twins. Steele ran over to them to see if anyone was still in the house. They all replied with a no and that's when I set off. Me, Elvis and Sam gave Ellie our air cards and we set off into the house. Elvis and Sam put the fire out downstairs, while I continued upstairs.

"Okay fire is out downstairs sir. Penny what about upstairs." I heard Sam ask.

"Its all out Sam im making my way down now." I replied into the radio. I stepped out of Mandy's room where there was fire but what I didn't notice was that the roof was beginning to cave inwards. As I made my next step I felt the rubble fall on me and I blacked out.....

Sam's POV
Once me and Elvis finished putting the fire out i radioed over to see if Penny was finished upstairs. She had replied saying that she was on her way out. Me and Elvis took our mask off and everyone waited for Penny to return. CRASH! We all turned to see part of the roof had caved into the house.

"PENNY!" I screamed and ran inside the house in search off her. I would always save my team if any of them are in danger however this was Penny. I had been in love with the girl since she walked into the station. I could hear everyone telling me not to go into the house. I got to the stairs and could see Penny laying unconscious on the stairs with blood down her head. I carefully ran up the stairs until I reached her body. I place two fingers on her neck to feel her pulse. Thank god she had one. From what I can see she had a major head injury. I picked her up into my arms before anything else could happen to her. Normally I would enjoy the moment that she was in my arms however she was injured and I wouldn't forgive myself. I could hear an ambulance in the distance. Someone must have called them. I ran outside with her in my arms. I could feel everyone's eyes on me as the paramedics told me to place her in the ambulance. I laid her down and took off her equipment placing it on the floor. They pushed me out of the ambulance and drove off towards Newtown hospital. All I did was stare and watch them drive off with Penny, praying she's okay.

I felt an arm on my shoulder and briefly turned to see that it was Charlie. He was the only one who knew how much Penny means to me. Everyone knew that we were best friends but no one other than Charlie knew my love for her. Charlie told me yesterday that she had told Bronwyn how much she loved me too and was waiting to see if I would do anything. I was planning on telling her today when we had both finished our shifts but that was out of the plan now she was in hospital.

"Sam why dont we all finish up here and ill call Boyce to place their station here while we go and see Penny?" Steele said walking over to me. It must have hurt him to see Penny in that state. He thought of her like a daughter and he doesn't tell any of us others but Penny always has been his favourite. I nodded being unavailable to talk. Mike and Charlie help us sort everything out then they all followed us to Newtown hospital. While on the way Steele managed to get hold of Boyce and he was calling Penny's Mother down as well as her Grandad, who she had a close relationship with. It was weird to think that I was going to meet Penny's mother and Grandad because Penny may not be responding.
Hope you all enjoy this story ❤️

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