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I woke to a sweet smell. I didn't want to move as I remembered that I was at Sam's house. I turned around to find that where Sam was laying only a few hours ago was now empty. I moved my head to lay closer to his pillow getting his scent. I must have just been getting more comfortable when I heard the door open then close again. I felt the mattress dip and I turned to see Sam smiling at me.

"Hey. I was just coming to wake you up. Its 11." He said, sitting beside me.

"Hey. Sorry. I was just really comfortable and must not have realised were I was." I said, shyly reaching for his hand.

"Dont worry about it love. You didn't want me to leave you earlier. I was trying to get up and you wouldn't move, I didn't mind it I was comfy." He said taking my hand pulling me towards him. Which meant I ended up with my head on his chest as he lent back being careful of my injuries.

"So what can I smell." I said looking up at him after a few minutes. He smirked down at me. He sat up and lifted me up into his arms and took me down the stairs. I buried my face into his neck holding on tight so he doesn't drop me.

"Im not going to drop you princess. I promise." He said as we arrived in the kitchen. He placed a sweet kiss on my cheek and sat me down onto one of the chairs. I nodded at him and looked at the table. There was food everywhere. Pancakes, fruit and even ice cream. No one has ever done anything nice for me. Sam must have noticed my tears because he wrapped his arms around me.

"I didn't mean to make you cry Pen." He said into my ear.

"Its fine Sam. No one has ever treated me like you do. Thank you. Im glad I have you in my life. I love you." I said turning around to hug him.

"I love you too and as long as you want me in your life ill be here. You deserve the world angel and hopefully ill be the one to give you that." He said and let me go and pulled the chair next to me and sat down. We sat for over 30 minutes talking and eating, even sharing a few small but sweet kisses. He told me that he also had something else planned for the day. I wasn't allowed to know what it was until we had finished eating.

I was just finishing off eating my bubble gum ice cream when Sam stood up and walked towards the living room returning a few minutes later. He had some medium sized bag with him. I gave him a look as he shook his head. " Ill show you this once you have finished eating." He said with a smirk. I quickly finished my ice cream and looked at him with eager eyes. I wanted to know what he had in the bag.

"You want to know that badly, love." He said laughing. "You got ice cream everywhere."

"I dont care. What's in the bag!" I begged.

"Okay when you have finished reading it and opening it come and find me in the living room." He said, placing the bag in front of me and giving me a kiss.

I waited until he walked away before opening the bag. I stood up and looked inside. There was a note and then a small box and a medium sized box. I took out the note first.

Where do I begin. Why not the beginning... To this day I still remember the day you walked into the station. Your hair was shorter than it was now but you still looked gorgeous. I couldn't take my eyes of you for at least 5 minutes before Elvis nudged me and that's when I spoke my first words to you. Since that day I knew that you would always be my number 1 priority(you still are). I vowed to myself that I would always protect you but then you got hurt. I blamed myself and still do but if it hadn't have been for the accident I wouldn't have found out your feelings for me which make me very happy that you love me like I love you. All I need now is to make it official so...
Penny I want you to open the small box first and then the bigger one.

That's when the note ended. I had tears back into my eyes and I took the small box out of the bag. It was a blue box. I took the pretty ribbon of and took the lid of the box off. My hand shot to my mouth in shock.

Inside the box was the most beautiful bracelet that I had ever seen. It was a silver bracelet with a few written words on the band.
"23-04-21" With a heart. That wasn't the only thing. I found a smaller note on the lid of the box.

Place the bracelet on the table then open the second box. After opening the box look for the other note after looking at what's inside the box x

I took out the second box which was a white box. I lifted the lid off to find a single red rose as well as chocolates and a necklace along with the note. I carefully took the necklace out and noticed that I could open the heart which was at the end of the chain. It was a picture of me and Sam dancing at the station. I lightly wiped the tears from my eyes and put it next to the bracelet. The chocolates I took out of the box and put it behind the jewellery. Next was the note.

I hope you enjoy the chocolates, well and hopefully you'll share them with me. Now the important question. We need to make this official. So Penny. Will you be my girlfriend. If the answer is yes, please put the jewellery on. I love you!
Love Sam

I took the necklace and placed it where it belonged as well as the bracelet. I then picked up the chocolates and walked towards the living room to find Sam. I saw him sitting down on the sofa under a grey teddy bear blanket and he had put a movie on the tv. I walked towards him and sat down as he took me into his arms and pulled my left arm towards him. He immediately saw the bracelet and smiled.

"I love you too" I said and kissed him. "What's with the date on the bracelet?" I asked when he pulled away.

"The day you became mine." He said looking into my eyes. I blushed and looked down to the floor. He lifted my head back up so I was looking into his eyes and all it took was a smile from him. I leaned into his chest and turned my head towards the tv to watch the movie while he rested his head against mine doing the same.
Sorry I haven't updated in a while.
I hope this is okay and you all enjoyed reading it 😊;)

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