2.Shes What...

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Thank you all for the support on the first chapter and I hope you like this one. 

Sam's POV
We all arrived at the hospital and saw Boyce standing with Penny's family. We walked over to them and Boyce began to speak. 

"Hello all. I wish we were talking under better circumstances however we are all yet to hear about Penny's condition. Sam, Penny's mother and Grandfather would like to speak to you separately in a moment, while the rest of us will go get water for everyone." Boyce walked away with the team while i sat down in the chair with my head in my hands going over the events. I felt a light hand on my shoulder. As I looked up I saw similar eyes to Penny's, realising it was her mother I sat up and she sat across from me.

"Hello Sam. Im Eliza, Penny's mother. Before you say anything I just want to say thank you for looking after my daughter these past years. Whenever we visit her or she comes to us, your all we hear about. I still remember the time she came to us this Christmas gone she said one day that hopefully we would meet you. That's when I knew that you were special to my little girl, she doesn't talk to us about anyone she used to work with." I was stunned. Penny spoke to her family about me. I know that I spoke about her to Charlie but that was slightly different. I smiled and began talking myself.

"Hello Eliza. I wish we were speaking with Penny knowing and your welcome. Ever since Penny walked into the station that Wednesday morning I knew that I had to look out for her. This might sound a little odd coming from someone that you dont really know but I love your daughter. My brother Charlie, he told me that I should tell her so that's what I had planned today. All I could think of was that its my fault she's here. If I didn't agree to letting her go upstairs then it would be me here and not her. She deserves the world and hopefully that's what I plan on giving her if she will let me. " I say feeling more tears coming to my eyes. Eliza stands up and sits beside me placing her hand on my shoulder.

"Firstly its not your fault she's here. We both know how dedicated Penny is when she's working. Secondly, I know she loves you too, and im sure she will be better in no time to tell you that. Lastly, she told me if she was to ever end up in hospital I was to give you this letter she wrote. I know she is going to be okay but I still think that you should read it. I dont know what any of it says." She says handing over a letter. She stands up and I open the letter and began to read.

If you are reading this then I am either no longer with you or I am injured after being to dedicated to the job."
I had to laugh and part of this she knows how much I know that she cares about her work. "I dont want there to be any tears from you and you wont listen to me anyway because I know you. Anyway, My mother has probably already told you but im still going to say it anyway. I love you. I remember the moment I walk into the station and you stood there and to me you looked amazing. Since then ive barley been able to take my eyes off you. Then we became best friends and spent every moment with each other. I loved every second and will always continue to do so. A little while a go I had a conversation with Charlie. He told me how much you loved me and well it sounds stupid but I was waiting to see if you would do something. As writing this I am in tears at the fact I may never see you again or tell you how much you mean to me. So Samuel Jones, I will tell you once again....
I love you so much."
By the time I had finished reading it I had tears running down my face. Someone had pulled me into a hug and immediately I knew it was Charlie. I always knew when he or Penny were hugging me. Oh how I wish I could hug her now.

A doctor walked by and asked if we were Penny's colleges and family. We all nodded as we awaited the news to come out of his mouth. 

" When we got Penny here we lost her twice. But I have to say she's a fighter. We had to take her down for surgery as she moved her ribs the wrong way when she must have fallen. Normally we would just bandage them but when she was under the x-ray we could see if we didn't give her the immediate surgery they would have pierced her lungs. She's currently resting in a private room down the end of the hall. Your all welcome to go and see her. However there is something you must know. She is in a coma. When she hit her head it made her gone unconscious and we took her for surgery meaning the anaesthetic has introduced her into a coma. She should wake from the coma soon. We tell people all the time and im sure you already know but she can hear what you say." He said and walked away. A hand touched my shoulder. Eliza.

"Sam why dont you go see her, we will all come up in ten minutes." She said. All I could do was nod. I walked ahead to where the doctor said Penny was. I opened the door and stared at her. She looked so pale. Her gorgeous blond hear wrapped up in bandages due to her head injury. There was a chair beside her so I placed myself in it and reached for her hand. I stared at her face for a few minutes before I decided to say something.

"Hey Penny. I wish you wasn't lying there. God, Im sorry Penny. I shouldn't have let you go up there. Your mother gave me the letter you wrote, I love you too. So much. I need you to pull through Pen. I need to see those chocolate brown eyes, need to hear you contagious laughter. I only laugh when your around. I need to see you smile again. Please angel. Ive spoken to your mother, you talk about me aye. I do the same, Im always talking to Charlie about you. I am yet to speak to your Grandfather." I cant say more as I just cry. I hear the door open 5 minutes later as I wipe my eyes and look up to see everyone is here. Eliza and Penny's Grandfather take to the other side of Penny as we stand there in silence praying she's going to be okay.

Oh god this chapter made me tear up while writing it. I hope you enjoyed it. I have heard that the new season of Fireman Sam is set to come out in June 2021. Fingers crossed there will be some great SxP moments in there. I hope everyone is safe. Thanks for reading.❤❤


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