7.Love and pranks

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Penny's POV
I was now 5 months pregnant. I couldn't believe that the time had gone by that quickly. I was currently sitting upstairs in the kitchen on my phone waiting for Ellie. She had some 'genius' plan to scare everyone here. She told me that she was stopping off at the Halloween store which sold everything she needed.

"I'm here." Ellie said as she threw a bag onto the table and sat down.

"What did you get." I asked curiously peeking into the bag.

"Well... firstly, I've brought two giant balloons we are going to blow them up and fill them with colourful powder and its going to contain the gender of yours and Sam's baby." She began. I nodded and gestured her to continue. "Then I grabbed 5 air horns, we're going to place them all over the station and when they open things or do things they will make a loud noise. And lastly I brought these masks. One is a vampire and the other a witch."

"So how are we going to set this up within 30 minutes?" I asked picking up one of the air horns.

"I called in reinforcements." Ellie said and made a gesture for someone to enter the room. In walked in Bronwyn with the twins.

"Hey Penny. How are you and the baby? What's the gender?" Bronwyn asked while the twins ran up and hugged me.

"Im okay. So is the baby. The gender comes shortly when the boys are here. Im sure Ellie has told you her brilliant plan." Ellie nodded.

"Okay Penny, take the balloons and fill them up with whatever powder the babies gender is and hide the other one locked away in your locker. Me and Bronwyn are going to take the airhorns and place them around, while James and Sarah practice their scaring skills wearing the masks." Ellie ordered.

I walked towards the office and locked the door, shut the windows and blinds so nobody could see what I was doing. I put the correct powder in and blew the balloons up with the pump and sat there thinking about the life I had here.

I had officially moved into Sam's a few weeks ago. He had wanted to stay at my house but I preferred his home. It made me feel safer. "Were back!" I heard Sam's voice and left the balloons in the office and walked back to the living room to find Ellie and James sitting on one couch and Bronwyn and Sarah on the other. I took my place in the smaller chair to the left of Ellie and waited for the boys. Ellie tapped me on the arm and told me to look at the chair on the right. I looked over and saw an airhorn leaning behind on of the cushions. The men walked in and , Charlie went to Bronwyn and Sam to me.

"Hey princess. You okay?" He asked lifting me out of the chair to sit back on it pulling me to him and kissed me.

"Yeah im okay. How are you" I said looking into his blue eyes. "Yeah im okay." He replied.

Ellie tapped my arm again an pointed to where Elvis and Arnold were about to sit down together. When me and Sam announced we were together it brought Arnold and Elvis together. Elvis sat down and like Sam did to me pulled Arnold with him and lent back... time for the fun to begin.

"HONKKKKK!!" Arnold and Elvis screamed and fell to the floor. Me and the others couldn't contain our laughter. The twins high fived which confused everyone when they stood back up.

"Are you two up to this?" Charlie with a eyebrow raised.

"No they aren't." Ellie said laughing. "And before you say anything its not me either." I stood up off Sam and walked towards the office checking the balloons are still there before I noticed another airhorn in the kitchen. Time for me to do a plan.

"Sam, love. Can I talk to you?" I called him from the door way. He nodded and walked towards me. I let him go through first as I looked at Ellie and winked, hoping she would understand that ive seen the airhorn.

"What do you need angel?" He asked while making us a cup of tea. "I just wanted to see how you were doing my love. I felt that ive not spoke to you a lot today." I said walking over to him and wrapping my arms as much as I could around him.

"Im doing okay." He turned around and turned me so that I had my back to his chest as he grabbed my hands and placed them around my stomach along with his. "When do we find out what were having?"

"Im not sure yet. Its got to be soon." I lied smirking as he couldn't see my face." Could you get me a snack out of the cupboard?" I asked.

"Sure what do you want?" He said opening the cupboard. "Just get me the chocolate." 

"Okay. Here you go darling." He said handing it over then shut the cupboard but stopped shortly and turned to me. "Pen, what are you and Ellie doing? I can see the airhorn." 

"Umm.. its not my idea its Ellies.." I began as he walked towards me. I slowly backed away. "Ellie has put them everywhere. What are you doing love?" 

"Hmm. say your sorry or ill tickle you. I know how much you hate it." He said grabbing me. 

"Im sorry." I said. "Good." He replied kissing me.

"Sam. Penny in here." Ellie called. We walked out and when we walked in Ellie told me to get the things from the office.

I wondered down to the office wondering how everyone was going to react. I grabbed both balloons and walked back to everyone. 

"What you got there Penny?" Charlie asked. 

"Well.. firstly Sam, dont be mad but in these balloons is the gender of our baby. The doctors rang me and Ellie suggested we would surprise you and Ellie doesn't know what it is only I do." I said. "But why is there two balloons, your having twins." Steele asked.  "No. There is only on but one balloon is empty and the other has the powder." I explained.

Ellie picked the balloon in my left hand and began to point the pin towards it and popped it. Nothing. No colour. Sam came up and stood behind me. He took the balloon out of my hand and told me to pop it.  I popped it and out came BLUE confetti. He dropped the string and hugged me.

"OMG!! Thank you love. I would have been happy with a girl but I doubt that I could deal with another one of you." He said laughing. For that comment I elbowed him. 

One bad accident lead to something amazing.


I deeply apologise that I haven't been updating. A lot has gone on but im working on a lot and hopefully you all will like it. I have a new story coming tomorrow and i hope you enjoyed this chapter. Sorry its not the best. :)

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