2• Sarcastic

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Chapter 2 - Sarcastic

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Chapter 2 - Sarcastic


'You know, Luna is a very pretty name.' Chuck said as we sat on the ground, our backs leaning against a tree.

'Why thank you Mr Chuck. Also I appreciate you helping cleaning me up.' Even in the short amount of time I've known him, I would genuinely class the chubby boy as my friend. I have no reason not to trust him.

'No problem. Do you know what happened to you, like how you got them?'

I shook my head because truthfully I didn't, I only remembered the fight but not who I was fighting. It was weird; very weird.

'So Chucky, how old do you think I look?' I wanted to change the conversation quickly so I stood up and started twirling around.

'Hmm seventeen maximum but I honestly think probably nearer to sixteen.' He answered.

'Good to know.'

'How come you aren't asking any questions about this place?'

'What do you mean?' I was a bit confused at the boy's words.

'It's just I've heard that every Greenie asks shuck loads of questions when they first arrive and you haven't.' He added onto his earlier comment.

'Because I don't really care. I am curious as to what's behind the walls but I have no effort to actually do something and you all seem human and living so it can't be that bad.' I joked but everything I said was accurate.

I had no real care as to what went on in this place mostly because I felt numb; empty.
I knew the rules not to go in the maze blah, blah, blah. All I really cared about was how they were all surviving and how I might have a chance.

'Hey, what are they all talking about in there?' I finally asked the question that's been nagging at my brain.

'Um . . you. They're just confused as to why a shucking girl came up instead of a boy so they are figuring out how to handle the change.' Chuck said whilst he tried to read my expression.

'Oh, cool. Also how you lot talk makes me want to piss my pants.' I stared laughing at remembering how they swear.

'Oh I'll bet you that you'll end up saying 'shuck' in at least two weeks.'

'What do I get if I win the bet?'

'Um my bacon for a whole week.' Chuck said but I could tell he regretted the idea and that's what made me agree.

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