14• The Truth

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**mentions of suicide attempts, under eating, depressive thoughts and an over dose**

**mentions of suicide attempts, under eating, depressive thoughts and an over dose**

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Chapter 14 - The Truth


Day 2:

It was now the second day that Luna was staying in bed and we all knew something wasn't right. She wasn't her normal sarcastic self and that worried me. But what broke me was the fact she isn't telling anyone what's going on. It's like she's torturing herself with keeping her thoughts in her mind. I know from experience that she needs to let them out so she can let people in, we all want to help her.

It was like she was wearing a fragile mask to hide to true emotions and all I wanted to do was wipe it away so she can be happy again.

'Lulu still not eating?' Minho asked with a concerned expression.

'Yeah. She hasn't ate in like three bloody days!'

'What do you think's going on?' Thomas questioned when he put the wooden spear down.

'I'm not sure but whatever it is, it's not good.' I remarked while running a hand through my sandy blonde hair.

'Have any of you asked about her wrists yet?'

Don't even get me started on that. When Thomas woke up and said that thing to Luna she had a panic attack and somehow hidden scars on her wrist reappeared and opened up. I knew exactly what they were and I let a tear fall down my cheek at seeing them. What made her feel that way? Did she feel like I did before I got help?

No one deserved to feel that way but to think Luna might have, it broke my heat into miniature pieces.

'No, it was weird how they just re-opened though don't you think?' The brunette quizzed.

'It wasn't just weird, it's bloody impossible. Something happened when Lu blacked out and it's changed her.' I stated the truth and the boy's nodded their heads in agreement.

'It was my fault.' Thomas blurted out and I hated how he thought that.

'Tommy it wasn't, you gotta stop beating yourself up okay?'

'Yeah Newt's right, whatever happened to Lulu it wasn't your doing.' Minho added whilst giving the boy a pat on the shoulder.

'If you say so.' And like that we were back off to training with the other boys.


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