15• Tea Party

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Chapter 15 - Tea Party

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Chapter 15 - Tea Party


Day 4:

Today's the day; today's the day we escape this shit hole! Well I hope we do anyway.

I woke up before Newt and started messing with his hair to calm my nerves down. My mind felt lighter but there was still a dark shadow emerging through the cracks and I'm trying to be strong to push it away. It's working so far but as soon as I remembered his words I felt myself crumble.

'Morning love.' The blonde said and pulled me closer to his chest since we were now facing each other.

'Morning blondie.' I couldn't stop the smile that spread across my lips.

'You coming down to have breakfast today?'

'I'll come down but I'm not really hungry.' My tone was whisper like just trying to enjoy being so close to him.

'Okay, well let's get ready.' He quickly sat up from the bed and started changing into a cream top and shorts. I didn't tear my gaze away from him and it seems he noticed that.

'Like what you see?' Newt smirked before throwing some clothes to me.

'Hm, a girl never tells.' I winked before twirling my finger around to signal that he needs to face the wall.

After around five minutes of getting ready and finger brushing my wavy hair so it doesn't go frizzy, we made it to the kitchen and my heart warmed at the adorable smiles on my friends faces.

'And what a lovely way to start the morning by seeing your face Lulu.' Minho said before patting the space next to him for me to sit down.

'Oh I know princess.' Newt came back with his plate but a few extra pieces of food which I'm guessing is for me if I feel hungry.

'So how was your shower yesterday?' Chuck giggled before I slapped his head.

'What, it's a valid question?' He smirks and the asain high fives him. Boys.

'What it's a valid question?' I mocked in my really bad American accent which caused them all to burst out laughing.

Just then a obnoxiously familiar ringing sound echoed through the maze and everyone looked at each other with pure confusion.

'Is that the shucking box?' Thomas asked before he started to run towards it and we all followed him.

When I turned around I saw that it was only me and my group of friends who surround the cage as the other gladers where either carving spears and knives or keeping up with there training.

'What do you thinks in it?' Teresa asked.

'Well how about me open it and find out?' I sarcastically gasped before Alby and Newt slid the rusty metal doors to either side.

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