12• Aim For The Eyes

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Chapter 12 - Aim For The Eyes

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Chapter 12 - Aim For The Eyes


Everyone was assigned rooms or places in homestead and I was stuck with Newt, Thomas, Minho, Alby and Chuck who I forced to come in. No way was I leaving him alone.

I was lying with my back against the floor beside Chuck while Newt and Alby sat on the bed and Minho and Thomas we sat on wooden worn out chairs.

'The buggers who sent us here either want us dead or they're giving us a spur. This is it, we got to work our asses of till we're dead or not dead.' The Brit announced into the eerie silence that lingered above us.

'Alby are you gonna pitch in?' The leader was definitely in a world of his own before he was awoken out of his trance.

'Oh yeah, good that. But just because the Greenie's made it doesn't mean the rest of us can.' Way to stay positive Alby.

'I agree with Newt, we need to quit boo-hooing and feeling sorry for ourselves.' Minho concluded. 'Tomorrow morning, you guys can assign teams to study the maps full-time while the runners go out. We'll pack our stuff so we can stay out there for a few days.' Good idea buddy.

Alby choked on air before speaking, 'What do you mean days?'

'I mean days. With the open doors and no sunset, there's no point in staying here. Time to stay out there and see if anything opens up.' The asain insisted with nothing but confidence.

'No way! We have homestead to hide in and if that isn't working, the map room and the slammer. We can't freaking ask people to go out there and die. Who'd volunteer for that?' Alby said.

'Me and Thomas.' Minho announced before looking at me with pleading eyes.

'Whatever. I don't really care so I guess I'd go.' I huffed before closing my eyes.

'I will if I have to. And I'm sure the runners will do it too.' Newt commented which shocked me slightly.

'Yay a sleepover!' I sarcastically clapped before shutting my hazel eyes again.

'With your bum leg?' Alby scoffed.

'Well I don't feel comfortable asking gladers to do something if I'm not bloody willing to do it myself.' The blonde answered.

'Whatever, do you want.'

'What's wrong with you man? Are you telling me we have a choice? Should we just sit around on our butts and wait for the grievers?'

'Well it sounds better then running to them.' The leader argued.

I heard a deep breath come from the dark skinned boy before he spoke up again.

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