4• Bloody Surprises

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Chapter 5 - Bloody Surprises

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Chapter 5 - Bloody Surprises


I had just finished my lunch and I was scanning the field the red head but I had no luck. I even asked Gally since I knew she was supposed to be there but said he hadn't seen her. This was the spark that ignited my worry. Where is she?

Mihno got back early from running today since he stated he was 'too tired' and where Alby believed it I knew it was a lie. I'm not complaining though, I will always appreciate my friendship with the Asian boy and I don't mind his company.

'Have you seen Luna?'

'No not for a while, why?'

We both just stood there in silence trying to figure out where the girl could be but as soon as we heard her scream neither of us hesitated to sprint into the deadheads.

'Get the fuck off me! Newt!' I replayed her cries like a broke record giving me adrenaline to try find her faster.

I was started to panic at not seeing her. I need to hear her voice again so I could locate her where about and I was nothing but thankful when I heard it again.

'Newt please.' She was close, I could feel it but I could have never of prepared myself for what lay before me.

My jaw dropped and my heart sank at the sight of Max (who was a builder) on top of Luna.

'You shucking slinthead!' I screamed before colliding the side of his face with a metal spade I luckily found on the floor. I suspected Mihno to arrive any minute considering I raced off without him.

'What the hell is going on?' He questioned yet I could tell he already knew the horrific answer.

I heard another pair of footsteps gradually get closer and when my eyes met with the youngest glader I felt bad he had to see this so I sent him off.

'Chuck, go get Alby.'

With Max unconscious on the floor, all of mine and Mihno's attention was now on the shaken up girl whose eyes were tightly shut.

My feet moved without my mind telling them to and I found myself trying to lift her up but she wouldn't allow it and I couldn't blame her to be honest even though it broke me.

'Hey Luna, it's just me.' I tried to reassure her but the red head was having none off it.

'No no please don't.' She cried which made my heart break for her. Why would someone do this to her? How could someone do this to her?

I noticed Luna look down to her open zipper and seeing it made my vision go pure red with anger and it seemed like Mihno's did too.

'What did he do to you?' The asain boy asked.

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