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Sunday, 1st February 2021
1:06 am

I was currently hovering over the toilet, for the simple reason of alcohol.

I'm never going drinking with miu again.

It wasn't my first time drinking, however it was my first time going drinking with miu. So I went over board with the drinks. "fuck you miu.." I groaned before throwing up in the toilet. It felt like my belly was ripping apart. That may be an over exaduration but I didn't Care are enough to correct myself.

Once my insides was empty I stood back and washed my mouth out to get rid if the horrible taste.

When done, I walked back to my room and tried to go back to sleep.

11:53 am

The next morning I woke up and felt larger pains in my head then before,

I hate hangovers

I looked over at the digital clock that sat in my night stand to find out it was almost the afternoon. I let out an annoyed sigh and began to get out of bed. In the other room, I heard miu singing and jumping around.

She better be wearing clothes this Time.

Miu did this often enough for me to be worried for her, expecially when she's naked. I slowly staggered to the living room, to find that to my luck, she was wearing clothes.

But there was no reason for her to act so high. Miu was just jumping around the room singing songs way out of tune.

Dose miu not experience hangovers?
Or maybe she's still drunk?

"oi! Bitchlet! Shut the fuck up" I yelled, Covering my ears from her horrible singing.
"you gonna be here tonight?" miu asked sitting down on the sofa, she looked out if breath. Shame her tits didn't lose any wight.

"am I going to be here In my own dorm tonight?" I asked sarcastically "well obviously!" I sighed, not in the mood to talk to dumb people.
Miu let out an annoyed sigh, "don't blame us then when you hear me and my weekly hook reach our highs tonight"
"that's disgusting" I cringed at the other girl.

"why has everyone got boyfriends and girlfriends now?" I sighed under my breath as I began walking to the kitchen. It honestly annoyed me, its the only thing people care about these day.

Not dying alone or a virgin.

Of course I didn't want to die alone either, however I wasn't desperate enough to have it the the only thing on my mind. And if u didn't want to die a virgin I could just go find a whore who wants to fuck with me. Which isn't hard, haves you seen me?

I got a bottle of grape panta and walked back to where the well-known  girl was, miu lying down in the sofa, drawing circles on the air... For some strange reason.

I feel sorry for her future wife or husband sometimes.

"what are you two doing today?" I asked, trying to sound as friendly as possible.
"i just decided to hang out here" miu shrugged, not bothering to loonover at me. "then later going back to the bar, wanna come? " she then offered.
I shook my head, not wanting another hang over tomorrow

"nah its fine, I wanna see if soda-kun his chasing kiiboy again!" I laughed beofre going to back to my room to change clothes.

Once I was changed, I walked out the dorm and skipped around the campus  looking for kiibo and the crazy macanic boy.

It didn't talk long since I found kiibo running down the hall, kazuichi following close behind. "come on! Just let me look inside you!!" the pink haired boy yelled trying to jump on the robot.

"heyyy! Drink boyyy!!" I yelled, gaining soda-kun looked over and saw me, "oh hey ouma!" he greeted, forgetting all about kiibo. "looks like your after kiibo again!" I laughed, he nodded his head and looked around for where he went.
"yeah," he said scratching the back of his head "can't understand why he won't just let me open him, he letss miu"
"thats a good point" I still laughed "want me to help you?" I offered, tilting my head.
"nahh, it's fine I've lost him now anyway." kazuichi said before walking away.

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