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Tuesday 3rd February 2021   

"purple and orange don't go together!" I mimicked in front of a mirror in my room. "bitch I'm fucking sexy!" I completed myself, while doing a small pose.

Miu thought it would be funny to get me a orange jumper the other day since it wouldn't do with my hair. But I looked amazing- as always.

I skipped out the dorm, miu following behind me, seeking last night hook up out the dorm building.

I stopped by nagitos dorm since we both had a class together for the first few hours, miu went on ahead.

"good bye mikan!" I heard nagito talk to his roommate, maikan, as he left his dorm. He looked over and saw me walking up to me. "morning kokichi!" he smiled as he waves at me. "goooood morning!" I sang to him, and began dragging him down to the elevator.

When we got to the elevator, we saw Kaede there waiting with maki there. "good morning you two!" nagito also greeted them. "good morning!" kaede smiled  "how are you?"
"how nice if you to ask!" nagito eyes sparkled with glee "im going alright thank you! I'm glad your good!"

"heyyy it's scary lady!" I gasped and went to poke her. But before I did, "if you had a brain you would know better then to touch me" maki threatened. I jumped back, standing behind nagito as if he was my body gard. "also that jumper doesn't look right in you at all" shre then sighed.

Jezzz how dose she have a girlfriend!?!?

And if course, makis girlfriend was none other then the pianist standing next to her. Kaede akamatsu. I'd known kaede since middle school, just like miu but wasn't really friends with her either. However, I met maki when I joined collage.

"well I think I look sexy in it!" I scoffed  and looked away from the mean person.

The elevator soon came and we all claimed inside. It was one of those very awkward times, so awkward that that I didn't even bother to speak myself. It didn't help how long it could take to get to the bottom floor either.

"just think about all the hope inside this metal box!" nagito laughed like a child. He liked a bit weird, maki did pull a face at him.

I wonder if that's how people see me....

"sure" I laugh, "you keep thinking that" nagito nodded and continued to mutter in about hope.
"just shut up" maki sighed not even a minute later, and nagito did within seconds later.
"your sure a bully maki" I teased.
"she's not a bully, Kokichi" kaede said "makis just maki!" she then giggled and linked arms with maki, which made the girl blush but all the Same rested her head on kaedes shoulder.

"ew gays!" I joked.
"kokichi, you are gay" kaede rolled her eyes and played with her girlfriends hair.
"shhhh! Don't go telling people!" I whispered, leaning close to the girls.
"your literally wearing rainbow socks.." nagito pointed out from behind me.
"and you was screaming you was gay last time you was drunk" maki revealed. "huh? I did?!" I said, shocked from this news.

That's the only thing I hated about being drunk, you do stupid things that are worse then the stupid things you do on the daily. And the worst part was it was all a burly memory.

Maki nodded her head and began to walk out the elevator, dragging kaede behind her "see you two later!" kaede waved goodbye and so did we.

"we best get going" nagito smiled, also walking out the elevator.
"okai doki!" I skipped behind the strangely tall man. "how do you even get so tall?" I asked, though I had already asked him so many times.
"I don't know... I assume I need more room for all the hope I feel!" he answered,

If course, it's all about hope again.

"so, if I believe in hope, I will be taller?" I smiled, not really caring much on his 'hope' though.
"anything is possible, as long as you believein hope!" nagito then yelled, a little too loud.
"righhttttttt" I laughed.
"you do believe in hope don't you?" nagito then turned around to me as he asked.
"of course! There's nothing better!" I lied.
"im gald." he smiled and turned back to walking.

Even though we have known each other for years, he still can't see through my lies. No one can.

It's getting boreing though.

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