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T/w: death

Thursday 10th February 2021
01:07 am
Kokichi oumas pov

Me and shuichi were in his office with kirigiri sitting at her desk opposite us. "I feel like me and shuichi are pulling off a sherlock and Watson!" I laughed after a few minutes of a painful silence.
Saihara looked back at me and smiled before looking back at his case.

The case was a woman and her son were killed in a house that no one had been in for years. Three simular death had happened around the down.
All killed by the same weapon, all in abandoned buildings and all a mother and a son.

No one had ever seen or heard the people who were killed this night.
And it was confusing Shuichi.

"hey, we could be though! I can be good at being a doctor" I whined and watched Shuichi pull out his phone.
"I'm going to have to the crime scene again, I think I miss something. " he sighed.

When he first got to work about three hours ago he was asked to go to the crime scene almost right away. And was currently trying to figure out the case his office.
I didn't go to the screan the first time.

"am I allowed to come with you?" I smiled at him, he blushed and nodded his head.
He grabbed a few things and we walked to his car.

"is the crime scene scary?" I joked as I sat in the car next to Shuichi.
"w-well, I don't th-think so" Shuichi muttered and started the car.
"you so amazing!" I laughed and pulled the car seat back.
Shuichis blush deeped and moved his hand on top of mine.

His hand is so soft.

We soon pulled up outside an abandoned house.
"w-we're here" the detective stuttered and got out the car.
I smiled and followed him out of the car and into the building. "y-you need to pu-put these o-on" he told me, handing me some rubber gloves, a covers for shoes as well as a boiler suit. All of it was to wear so our presents wouldn't ruin the screan.
However Shuichi only wore the shoe covers and gloves.

"detective saihara, who's this?" a woman asked, walking over to us.
"h-he's helping." Saihara told her. She nodded and walked away.

"t-this way" Shuichi gently took hold of my gloved hand and walked into the kitchen of the house.

In the kitchen, the mom was lean up against the oven, and her hand was on it, looking like she tried to turn it off. She was wearing a white puffy coat that was covered in blood. She wore a plain black top and denim jeans. Her hair was a golden brown and was messed up and had bruises showing on her face, from before she was killed.

The young boys body was draped across the floor, his face was on the floor. The boys head had shown signs of blunt force and was clearly bleeding before he died.
had blonde hair and was probably taller then his mom.
He wore a school uniform that was a light blue blazer and a tie the same colour. Dark grey trousers and a white shirt.

"oh god..." I muttered at the scene.
"y-you can g-go if yo-you want" Shuichi said, giving me a worried look.
"nahh it's fine, I just didn't expect it be so bloody" I shrugged. Shuichi nodded.
"t-try not t-to b-break or m-move anything..." he told me.
"oki doki!" I smiled "soo what are we looking for?"

Shuichi let go of my hand and walked over to the woman's dead body.
"I w-wanted to-o see if th-they were k-killed the s-same way, I forgot to ch-check ea-earlier." I was told. He kneeled down to the body and looked at the wounds given by the killer.

"why would they have done this?" I asked, looking at the boys body.
"n-not sure, b-but this is-isn't the f-first t-time..."
"soo, its kinda like jake the ripper" I frowned and looked at the head injury.
"th-think so.." he muttered.


"Shuichi!" I yelled, making him jump and a few people came running in. "the boy! Hes still alive" I said. Shuichi came next to me and felt for the boys pulse. "I-it's light b-but... It I-is there" Shuichi nodded his head.

"someone call a ambulance!" I yelled at the people standing around.
"okay" someone said and began to call them.

I held into the boys hand, comforting him in his sleeping form.
"w-we mu-might have a l-lead" Shuichi smiled.
"make sure your hopes don't get to high, from the head injury he might not remember." I told him.

"y-you really at-are like a-a do-doctor" he told me, I smiled at Shuichi.
soon people came and took the young boy away.

"h-he must have fo-Fort back so-since he wasn't killed an-and is the o-only person wi-with a he-head in-injury." Shuichi told me as I helped him stand up.
"I think the mom did to, her hair and clothes are all messed up" I pointed out.
He looked back at the mom's body and nodded his head "b-but the ot-other at-attacks were su-suprise ones..." Shuichi stuttered as he walked away, holding my hand again.

"want to stay at mine again, Saihara-chan?" I asked. He nodded his head, with a small smile. "yay!" I cheered as if i hadn't just seen a dead body.

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