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Carter Furore

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Carter Furore

What's poking me in the ass?

A groan of annoyance left my lips as I remembered the events of last night and slid out of the plant pot, successfully stopping the leaf from ruining my comfort.

Who buys spiky plants? Idiots.

I adjusted to the normal, bright morning light instead of the flashing neon ones and placed a hand on my head.

Didn't I make friends last night? I think they were my cousins, they were pretty fun, especially-

"Why is there a spiky leaf poking my dick? Who even buys spiky plants? Idiots."

Especially that one.

"You're still in the plant pot. Who even bought that miserable thing?" I remember his name beginning with V. We'll call him that.

V slid out of the plant pot, lying next to me and I huffed out a breath and decided to introduce my hungover self.

"I'm Carter. Are you my cousin or something?" I asked, rubbing my eyes.

He shook his head, "Nah, I'm adopted."

We shared a look before he stood up, stretching his legs. I held my arms out and he pulled me up as well.

"I'm Vaughn." He extended his hand while yawning.

"We've been stuck in a plant pot together for the past like, ten hours, no need for formalities." I laughed and then regretted it from the pounding in my head.

I started walking only to almost trip over two bodies and looked down to see Remi and some other guy. I glanced over to the balcony and saw Xander sleeping soundly.

Nixon was lying half off my bed, still in a swaying position. The fact that the lights were normal and the music wasn't on anymore showed me someone had came into the room.

"Who are they?" I asked, pointing to the man and woman who looked in their mid to late thirties that were passed out in my bathroom. The man had the vodka bottle still in hand and the woman had bunny ears on.

Vaughn groaned but with his facial expression it was obvious this happened regularly.

"Wyatt, Hadley." He took the vodka bottle out of Wyatt's hand and placed it on the bathroom counter before pulling the headband off Hadley and putting it on me.

"Really?" I asked but then looked in the mirror. "At least I still look pretty while being hungover."

The two of us knew I was lying at that. I looked like I'd just woken up after being sent to Mars in my sleep to go on a bender.

I took the headband and off and put it on Vaughn, grabbing my phone. He posed for the picture and then ran a hand through his fair.

"I'm definitely not completely sober yet, you better delete that." He peered over my shoulder to see what I was doing and I grinned evilly.

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