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Carter Furore

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Carter Furore

Anger rose inside me as I glared at what had been put in front me. It wasn't at all fair, not in the slightest. How could my brother even think to do this to me?

"Uno reverse bitch."

I tackled him to the ground while he laughed hysterically, talking about how my expression had made his day. I wanted to say 'glad I could do that for you' but then I remembered he had just overtook my 245 win streak.

"Idiots." Nixon grumbled from the couch, rolling his eyes from behind his computer screen and then scoffing. "How the hell is my bread type moldy and out of date when yours is pita?"

I knew he'd do that quiz.

Remi just laughed louder, slapping the ground after blocking all but two of my punches and throwing me over the couch. I accidentally hit Nix on the way and landed half way over.

The blood rushed to my head and I kicked my legs in attempt to get back up.

"Remi you asshole, help me up." Within a few seconds I felt someone grab my ankles and throw me over their shoulder.

I definitely didn't sign up to get manhandled.

I punched his back and grabbed Nix's slipper from the floor, throwing it up so it hit him on the head. He yelped and dropped me, rubbing his head like a toddler.

Just as I was about to go head first onto the floor, Xander walked into our room and grabbed my ankle turning me upright before folding his arms over his chest.

I took into account that he was covered in blood and if it didn't happen practically every day, I would've been worried.

Nixon looked up from his computer, "Who'd you kill this time?"


Remington and I spat our water out in shock. It somehow ended up on Nix's 'work desk for people that actually have a future' as he called it once before, and he scowled at us.

"You did what? Impossible." Remi shook his head and went to grab Nix's drink only for his hand to be slapped away.

The four of us shared a look. Hard, yes. Impossible, no. Not if was Xander that had got riled up enough to try his luck.

Remi and Nix grinned while I clapped happily and followed everyone out. Xander wiped the specks of blood from his face with the back of his hand.

Once we made it to the familiar office lined with black marble, Xander pushed the door open. Remington took a few steps in before puffing his cheeks out in disgust.

"You? You did all that and for what?" He gagged, looking away from the mess that was Jonathan's rather disorganized remains.

Xander tilted his head, "We can just blame it on the dogs."

Remi finally threw his guts up and Nix patted his back awkwardly.

"I guess we can blame that on the dogs as well." I glanced down at Jonathan who now had Remi's food from dinner on him to complete the look.

Xander and I high fived, noting our excellent ideas and Nixon took his phone out before handing it to Remington.

"Now, you're going to call the cops and put on the best waterworks of the century, understood?" Nix asked and Remi nodded before dialling the number and looking at the body for...inspiration I supposed.

"Missouri police department, how can I help you?"

Tears strolled down Remi's face and he hiccuped, "Y-you have to help us, our step father's dogs went r-rabid, they- they- he's dead." Remington cried.

He then clicked his fingers and the dogs that were still in their cage, barked loudly.

"There will be someone with you shortly, please get as far away as possible from the dogs sweety."

"We-we will, thank you." Remi cried extra loudly for dramatic effect and then hung up. "Sweety? Really?" He rolled his eyes and wiped his face, taking out a galaxy bar from his pocket and opening it up.

While he munched on his chocolate, Nix let the dogs out of their cage and stroked their heads. They enjoyed the attention, wagging their tails before he ran out of the mansion quickly and gave them to the neighbors who had been wanting them for at least a decade.

When we were all back in our room, Xander went to get cleaned up and the other's started packing, talking about different topics.

A sudden topic came to mind and I stopped playing subway surfers on my phone to look at my brothers.

"What about Wolf-"

"Isn't that so off topic Nix? Of course it is Remi. Cart, go pack your things we're getting out of this hellhole." I rolled my eyes at his dismissal and made myself comfortable on the couch.

I got through fifteen minutes of the originals before sirens rang through the street. Xander came out of the bathroom and I stood up, taking the bag that Nix had packed for me and stuffing it under my bed.

Xan looked at Remi expectantly and my youngest sibling, yet still older than me by five minutes, ran back to the office. He came back with tears again and latched onto the first officer that came through the front door, weeping.

Xander hugged me to perfect the little show and I hid my face for two reasons. To stop the officers from knowing I wasn't actually crying or sad about this and because Xander never hugged anyone. Only on special occasions he did. He was the first born and even though we were quadruplets, he took on the role of the caretaker.

Nix was the brains of the operation, Remi was the stupid of it, I was the reckless one and Xander was the glue. He might have had worse tendencies and tended to live up to the psychotic label people put on him, but he looked out for all of us.

I didn't show how much the hug meant to me and instead listened to the officers instructions on what we had to do. They definitely found it suspicious that the dogs were nowhere to be seen but with one raised brow from Nix, Remi was on the ground having a mental breakdown over our 'step-fathers' death.

I couldn't help but think of someone who I knew wouldn't be affected by Jonathan's death, but I also knew I might not see again for a while.

Scratch a while, more like ever again.

Xander glanced down at me with the look I knew all too well and I tried to stop thinking about it.

"We'll get you down to the station and see if you have any other relatives, we're terribly sorry for your loss." One officer stated as he helped Remi up who was masking his laughter with sobs.

Relatives? They wish.

Relatives? They wish

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