twenty seven

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Carter Furore

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Carter Furore

What did I just do?

My eyes focused on the ceiling above me, seemingly more interesting that it had ever been before. Jaden zipped his jeans up before shrugging his jacket on, the blank expression from the night before prominent on his features.

His hand lingered on the door and he turned to me, "This Friday is the only day you'll be able to get into the fourth base. Once they move it'll take me a while to get the new location and with the others gone, people are getting nervous. Don't die." With that he left.

The door wasn't even able to shut fully though as Phoenix appeared in front of me, a confused look on his face. He took in my appearance before bursting into laughter, covering his mouth with the back of his hand.

I threw a pillow at him and he jumped away before it hit him, "Don't throw that at me, who knows what it's been used for."

I rolled my eyes at him while he just grinned in amusement.

"We should be going now. Blaze is waiting in the other room." Phoenix informed me and I glanced between the duvet and scattered clothing.

He followed my gaze and pulled a face before throwing the clothes at me quickly, fake gagging the entire time. Imbecile.

He closed the door on his way out, leaving me to get ready. I closed my eyes for a moment, wishing I could be back asleep before sitting up and moving the covers off of me.

I pulled my bra out from under the covers fastening it around my back before taking one look at the partly ripped underwear and shaking my head.

I should've just tried to punch him instead.

Already regretting my actions I pulled my shirt on, moving my hair out of the way. I grabbed my shorts, standing up to put them on but a new wave of pain ran through me and I plopped back down on the bed with a blank look.

An annoyed huff slipped past my lips before I sealed them together tightly, getting dressed as quickly as possible and brushing my teeth. On the way back to the room Phoenix had stayed in people gave me weird looks, eyes lingering on my strangle walking style.

I just smiled at them, nodding along before I eventually reached Phoenix. It seemed to take everything in him not to laugh and I glared. Don't you dare say-

"Are you having trouble? Need me to carry you? Wait what the fuck-" He walked over quickly, eyes landing on my neck before he turned around in attempt to laugh quietly.

"Hopefully you brought one of your makeup products along for this essential trip." I frowned at him, walking into the bathroom to see what he was seeing.

"Oh shit." I sucked in a breath as I scanned myself in the mirror. There were prominent purple bruises along my collarbone and neck along with faint fingerprints on my throat. It obviously didn't hurt as he never put that much pressure on but I could only hope my entire family had decided to go on vacation for a few days.

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