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Carter Furore

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Carter Furore

I was silent as everyone threw questions and shouts around like a ball, never shutting up to listen to the reasonable people. Xander seemed proud of himself, Nix had a blank expression and Remi had his hands covering his ears.

I remembered he was always sensitive when people shouted, due to all those times Jonathan did, it just ended much worse than now. I pulled him into a hug resting my head against his.

Xander had spilled everything, and now everyone was too far gone to see the reasonable side of this entire situation. It had been going on for hours now.

Everyone was yelling about different things, people. Jonathan, Wolfgang, our childhood, us, food, cats, neighbors and 10 inch dicks.

"Stay away from him." I knew who Damon was talking about and I rolled my eyes.

"Who said I've even talked to him since last year?"

"You, just now." I rolled my eyes at my uncle and kept my arms around Remi, blocking out the shouts. Unfortunately it didn't seem to click that I didn't want to talk about Wolf at the moment.

As he went on I understood more of why Vaughn wasn't a fan of his dad.

"If you're with him you're just as bad as Jonathan-" Everything about that sentence was wrong and completely unfair. I scowled, turning around to tell him to fuck off but he was annoyingly close and my hand accidentally glided across his face.

The room went silent at the sound of my palm connecting to Damon's cheek and no one moved, watching, just waiting for anything else to happen. It wasn't even on purpose.

I frowned. Now that everyone was quiet I could finally focus on the wetness sinking into my hoodie. My anger only rose and I pulled Remi with me as I stood up.

Nix took the opportunity to leave and slammed the front door behind him. He might've been the smartest out of us and probably the quietest but I didn't know anyone with more self destructive tendencies than him.

I grabbed Remi's hand while he used the other to dry his eyes and glared at Xander, "You must be proud of yourself."

There wasn't any remorse in his eyes like I'd expected there to be and I just shook my head and led my brother out of the room.

Once we were upstairs I pushed the door to his room open and he sat down on the bottom of the bed while I went to get a glass of water. I came back with it and placed it on the nightstand when I saw him with his head between his knees, shaking.

I couldn't stop the tears that blurred my vision when I saw him. My brother who always had a way to lighten the mood. A joke to make someone feel better. The person who never let the actions of other people turn him into a bad person.

I knelt down next to him and he latched onto me, sobs wracking his body. I blinked my tears away, knowing I had to be there for my brother and tried to calm him down, rubbing my hand on his back while his head rested on my shoulder.

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