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Carter Furore

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Carter Furore

I was woken by the sound of my alarm blaring and people running around downstairs. I briefly heard Isaac yell at Vaughn for vacuuming his hair and that was enough for me to realize it was time for school.

A groan escaped my lips and I sat up, momentarily noticing that Wolf was gone. I frowned sadly but understood, I mean, if he had stayed and someone had walked in he would've been shot.

There was a knock at my door before Remi walked in, his face leaving no trace of what happened last night other than a smile that didn't quite reach his eyes.

"Xander came home an hour ago and I talked to Nix, he's asking for you." I nodded at his words and threw the covers off me.

"Are you okay?" I asked, walking over to him. Remi didn't answer for a while and the smile slowly dropped from his lips. I wrapped my arms around him in a hug and he returned it.

"I ate your Oreos."

At that I pulled away, narrowing my eyes at him. The smile slowly returned, seeing my reaction.

"Do I have to remind you of your bruised jaw." He chuckled nervously and before I could demand he buy me a new pack, he was hightailing it down the hallway.

I watched his retreating figure, laughing when he somehow slammed into the wall and then into Xander who had his usual scowl. I really did wonder how the most uncoordinated person I knew could be on the football team.

Remembering Nix was awake and wanting to talk to me, I shut my door and changed into my uniform. I brushed my teeth and made sure I was presentable before heading to his room across the hall.

"Come in." I heard his voice when I knocked and I walked in, smiling softly. Mom was sat next to him, watching Nix like he could dissapear any second and Dad was refilling his water.

"Are you feeling any better?" I asked, trying to play off the seriousness of the situation. I knew it was important, more than important- but I didn't know if I could handle talking about it. I had gotten everything off my chest last night, but the weight of it all was still there.

"Yeah, can we have a minute?" He directed the question at our parents and they seemed confused before nodding and leaving the room.

I took a seat on his desk chair, waiting for him to say anything.

"I know you were with Wolfgang last night."

That was not what I was expecting.

My eyebrows rose in surprise and I glanced at him wearily. Nix didn't hate Wolf as much as Xander but he definitely wasn't a fan and if he had the chance, he probably would, put a bullet in his chest.

"Listen, " Nix sighed, "We've done almost everything to have him killed yet when he had the chance to save me or let me die, he saved me. I know for a fact he didn't do it for me- he did it for you. He loves you. I know last year wasn't truly his fault, so does Xander, but it's better to blame him than face the reality. I'll try to get everyone to lay off but if you really do want to be with him, everything is going to go wrong."

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